Daniel E. Weeks · @StatGenDan
112 followers · 66 posts · Server fediscience.org

Dr. Robert Elston, in his 1996 Allan Award Address, referring to a figure full of mathematics describing the Elston-Stewart algorithm and the Haseman-Elston method:

"There must be many persons in the audience for whom this is Greek; and I suspect there are even some who would find it more comprehensible if it were Greek. My friend and one-time colleague Mary K. Pelias calls it, perhaps appropriately, 'chicken scratches'."

Reference: Am J Hum Genet 60:255, 1997


Last updated 2 years ago

John Belmont · @jwbelmon
97 followers · 41 posts · Server humangenetics.social
Saunak Sen · @saunaksen
42 followers · 53 posts · Server fediscience.org

I am Professor of working on methods and tools for large matrix-valued data common in modern biology.

#introduction #walking #cycling #rstats #julialang #opensource #OpenScience #StatisticalGenetics #biostatistics

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @cazencott@twitter.com

I am opening a 2-year postdoctoral position in Paris in collaboration with Janssen to work on analyzing WGS from the UKBiobank with biological networks.
Details: cazencott.info/dotclear/public
Please reach out if you have questions!

🐦🔗: twitter.com/cazencott/status/1

#computationalbiology #StatisticalGenetics

Last updated 3 years ago