Ugh. Got picked at "random" for that #StatisticsCanada survey that's going around, immediately after Roomie got the simplified version of it and submitted my email address when asked for it.
I got the full version of the survey, and my god, it's invasive! They say it's going to be easy, but it just keeps going...and going...and going, and I'm only a third of the way through.
What pisses me off now is that they've suddenly asked for my health card number to "enhance the data".
#StatisticsCanada #canada #ottawa
This brief looks at the evolution of #inequality going back to 1976. Drawing on #StatisticsCanada 'Canadian #Income #Survey - it reviews changes in the distribution of income by decile (groupings of ten percent of households ranked by income from lowest to highest income), and asks a hypothetical question: what would today’s incomes look like if they followed the same distribution pattern as in the late 1970s?
#inequality #StatisticsCanada #income #survey #canpoli #finances #financial #supportubi
Global News BC: ‘Kelowna is not a national and provincial leader in crime rate’: RCMP Superintendent #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Crimeseverityinkelowna #Kelownacrimecapital? #CentralOkanaganRCMP #StatisticsCanada #Supt.KaraTriance #centralokanagan #BreakAndEnter #PropertyCrime #KelownaCrime #KelownaRCMP #Crime #CSI
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #crimeseverityinkelowna #kelownacrimecapital #CentralOkanaganRCMP #StatisticsCanada #Supt #centralokanagan #BreakAndEnter #PropertyCrime #kelownacrime #KelownaRCMP #crime #csi
Global News BC: Money Tips Monday: How to deal with your credit card debt #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #JenniferRobinsexecutivedirectorofLaunchOkanagan #StatisticsCanada #MoneyTipsMonday #creditcarddebt #Canadiandebt #MoneyMatters #Economy #Equifax
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #jenniferrobinsexecutivedirectoroflaunchokanagan #StatisticsCanada #moneytipsmonday #creditcarddebt #canadiandebt #moneymatters #economy #equifax
The Tyee: The NDP and the UCP Both Need Better Immigration Plans #bcnews #TheTyee - via #FairRegistrationPracticesActAlberta #AlbertaAdvantageImmigrationProgram #CareersinTechnologyandInnovation #AnilaLeeYuenCentreforNewcomers #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #CentreforNewcomersCalgary #UnitedConservativeParty #Albertaimmigration #StatisticsCanada #ZacharyNovak #JohnShields
#BCNews #TheTyee #fairregistrationpracticesactalberta #albertaadvantageimmigrationprogram #careersintechnologyandinnovation #anilaleeyuencentrefornewcomers #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #centrefornewcomerscalgary #UnitedConservativeParty #albertaimmigration #StatisticsCanada #zacharynovak #johnshields
Global News BC: Nearly 10% of B.C. homeowners in 2020 were investor-occupants, eclipsing 4 other provinces #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #foreignhomeownershipBC #foreigninvestorsBC #propertyinvestment #StatisticsCanada #BChomeinvestors #BCHousingMarket #BCRealEstate #BCHousing #Economy
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #foreignhomeownershipbc #foreigninvestorsbc #propertyinvestment #StatisticsCanada #bchomeinvestors #BCHousingMarket #BCRealEstate #BCHousing #economy
The Tyee: Why BC Leads the Country in Evictions #bcnews #TheTyee - via #CraigJones,UBCHousingResearchCollaborative #RebeccaLove,VancouverTenantsUnion #B.C.’sResidentialTenancyBranch #CanadianHousingSurvey #StatisticsCanada #MeganMilton #UBCP/ACTRA
#BCNews #TheTyee #craigjones #rebeccalove #b #canadianhousingsurvey #StatisticsCanada #meganmilton #ubcp
The Tyee: How We Crunched the Data on Disaster Survivors (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #BCwildfireevacuations #BracingforDisaster #StatisticsCanada #B.C.evacuations #JensvonBergmann #CanadianCensus #CensusMapper
#BCNews #TheTyee #bcwildfireevacuations #bracingfordisaster #StatisticsCanada #b #jensvonbergmann #canadiancensus #censusmapper
#Canada ’s top #pharmaceutical #LobbyGroup paid #StatisticsCanada to produce a series of #CustomizedReports that painted a flattering picture of their contribution to the country’s economy, documents reveal.
#InnovativeMedicinesCanada (IMC), which represents dozens of pharmaceutical companies, then used those reports as part of its #lobbying & #PublicRelations #campaigns without #disclosing that it paid for the analysis.
#canada #pharmaceutical #lobbygroup #StatisticsCanada #customizedreports #innovativemedicinescanada #lobbying #publicrelations #campaigns #disclosing #dirtytricks #corporategreed #medical #health
The Tyee: Temporary Foreign Workers Hit Record Levels in BC (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #RegEns,WesternAgricultureLabourInitiative #BCRestaurantandFoodservicesAssociation #EmploymentandSocialDevelopmentCanada #TemporaryForeignWorkerProgram #B.C.EmploymentStandardsBranch #BCConstructionAssociation #LabourMinisterHarryBains #BCFederationofLabour #BereniceDiazCeballos #StatisticsCanada #SussanneSkidmore
#BCNews #TheTyee #regens #bcrestaurantandfoodservicesassociation #EmploymentandSocialDevelopmentCanada #temporaryforeignworkerprogram #b #bcconstructionassociation #LabourMinisterHarryBains #BCFederationofLabour #BereniceDiazCeballos #StatisticsCanada #SussanneSkidmore
Global News BC: Unemployment rate in Kelowna, B.C. improves to 4% in 2023 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #StatisticsCanada #UnemploymentRate #BritishColumbia #centralokanagan #Unemployment #Consumer #Pandemic #Economy #Kelowna #Canada #Job
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #StatisticsCanada #unemploymentrate #centralokanagan #unemployment #Consumer #pandemic #economy #kelowna #Canada #job
The Tyee: Please Knock! Living with Parents in Adulthood (in Analysis) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #UniversityofBritishColumbia #mutigenerationalhouseholds #multigenerationalliving #UmayKadersociology #StatisticsCanada #MetroVancouver #Oshawa,Ontario #boomerangkids
#BCNews #TheTyee #UniversityofBritishColumbia #mutigenerationalhouseholds #multigenerationalliving #umaykadersociology #StatisticsCanada #metrovancouver #oshawa #boomerangkids
The Tyee: Who Will Help Vancouver Renters Now? (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #RebeccaLove,VancouverTenantsUnion #TenantsResourceandAdvisoryCentre #B.C.’sResidentialTenancyBranch #B.C.ResidentialTenancyAct #Coun.AdrianeCarr,Green #RenterOffice,Vancouver #VancouverTenantsUnion #BCGreenPartyPeteFry #Coun.ChristineBoyle #ABCCoun.LennyZhou #ABCpartyVancouver #StatisticsCanada
#BCNews #TheTyee #rebeccalove #tenantsresourceandadvisorycentre #b #coun #renteroffice #VancouverTenantsUnion #bcgreenpartypetefry #abccoun #abcpartyvancouver #StatisticsCanada
Global News BC: Greater Kelowna enjoys minor job growth in December, StatCan data shows #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #StatisticsCanada #UnemploymentRate #centralokanagan #Unemployment #Employment #JobNumbers #December #November #Economy #Kelowna #StatCan #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #StatisticsCanada #unemploymentrate #centralokanagan #unemployment #employment #jobnumbers #december #november #economy #kelowna #StatCan #Canada
Global News BC: B.C. employment down 14,000 in November; 1 of 5 provinces to see decline #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Canadianlabourforcesurvey #labourforcesurvey #employmentlevels #StatisticsCanada #BClaboursurvey #BCunemployment #Canadianjobs #laboursurvey #Unemployment #BClabour #Economy #StatCan #BCjobs
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Canadianlabourforcesurvey #labourforcesurvey #employmentlevels #StatisticsCanada #BClaboursurvey #BCunemployment #Canadianjobs #laboursurvey #unemployment #BClabour #economy #StatCan #BCjobs
French in Québec, from 2001 to 2016, according to #StatisticsCanada .