RT @Dwight00738722@twitter.com
@SenMcSallyAZ@twitter.com You were on the Hill. So, you knew #COVID19 was coming, and yet nothing happened until March. Trump and @GOP@twitter.com could have got in front of this.
Vote for @CaptMarkKelly@twitter.com #AZSen #FlipTheSenate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Dwight00738722/status/1247591083921403904
#StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #votebluetosaveamerica #flipthesenate #azsen #COVID19
[台灣紅十字會推文] @TAIWAN_REDCROSS@twitter.com:「 Not everyone has the privilege to #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe. Please #StayHome for those who can’t. 🏡 💕 #COVID19 #TogetherWeCan 」
#StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #stayhome #COVID19 #TogetherWeCan
[台灣紅十字會推文] @TAIWAN_REDCROSS@twitter.com:「 🧼 Some people don’t have water and soap to wash hands. 🏡 Some people don’t have a home to stay. #StayAtHome for it is your privilege. #StayHomeSaveLives #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #COVID19 」
#stayathome #StayHomeSaveLives #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #COVID19
Who is most at risk in the coronavirus crisis: 24 million of the lowest-income workers
#Coronavirus #StayAtHome #FlattenTheCurve #COVD19 #Covid_19 #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
#coronavirus #stayathome #flattenthecurve #COVD19 #covid_19 #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
RT @timluedde@twitter.com
Unglaubliche Situation in #Berlin: Etwa 100 Leute demonstrieren trotz Verbots für Geflüchtete an den Außengrenzen, gegen Zwangsräumungen und Kapitalismus. Polizei mit Mundschutz verscheucht sie von der Straße. #COVID19deutschland #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #COVID19 #CoronaLockdown
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/timluedde/status/1243896277168992257
#berlin #covid19deutschland #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #COVID19 #coronalockdown
An alle Menschen, die in diesen Tagen die Polizei auf ihre Nachbarn hetzen - denken Sie daran, dass Sie auch nach dem #Coronavirus mit Ihren Nachbarn leben müssen. #CoronaLockdown #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
#StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #coronalockdown #coronavirus
RT @vanessa_vash
School strike for climate :Week 63
Kampala, Uganda
Keep safe and try to protect your mental health as well.
#ClimateStrikeOnline #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe