@MorriganResists I'm sorry to hear about your chronic herpes. For unknown reasons, () is becoming more common, and a fair number of people will have recurrences.

We should never underestimate viruses. Many can cause long term (or later) effects.

The good news is that preventing one can help prevent most. If more people were cautious, we'd all be safer!

#herpeszoster #shingles #airquality #qualitymasks #handwashing #ventilation #filtration #sanitize #StayHomeWhenSick

Last updated 2 years ago

Gdac · @Gdac
73 followers · 415 posts · Server mastodon.world

Big whew! Out of the woods from a possible holiday COVID exposure. 1st unmasked family member coughing but tested neg 3 times. 2nd unmasked elderly family member coughing and blowing but tested negative (I’ve had this cold for a week 😬) but far enough out now I think we dodged it! KN95 works πŸ™Œ

#maskswork #covidisnotover #StayHomeWhenSick

Last updated 2 years ago

Gdac · @Gdac
47 followers · 188 posts · Server mastodon.world

Inside look at public school rn: nurses on site part time or not at all, cleaning minimal + understaffed, classrooms coughing and snotty noses (no masks,) not closing for COVID RSV Flu or any other infectious stuff, staff illness creating perilously understaffed buildings. Sick kids in office where everyone passes through waiting to find out: go home or back to class. Most often back to class.

#masksindoors #StayHomeWhenSick #gaslighting

Last updated 2 years ago

Gdac · @Gdac
55 followers · 245 posts · Server mastodon.world

Inside look at public school rn: nurses on site part time or not at all, cleaning minimal + understaffed, classrooms coughing and snotty noses (no masks,) not closing for COVID RSV Flu or any other infectious stuff, staff illness creating perilously understaffed buildings. Sick kids in office where everyone passes through waiting to find out: go home or back to class. Most often back to class.

#masksindoors #StayHomeWhenSick #gaslighting

Last updated 2 years ago

First and foremost: Stay home when sick to keep from spreading germs.

Even if you have a big planned gathering, it is not kind to others if you minimize your symptoms and get someone else critically ill.



Last updated 2 years ago

The CDC is finally asking people to again.

The big question is whether anyone will listen because the misinformation runs strong.

when they're quality materials and well fitted.

There is no immunity debt. The is caused by directly impacting our immune system.

Don't get infected (again). Protect yourself with an , , or . . and air.


#WearAMask #MasksWork #immunedysfunction #SarsCoV2 #n95 #kn95 #kf94 #StayHomeWhenSick #ventilate #filtrate #vaccinate #GetBoosted

Last updated 2 years ago

I just got off the phone with another desperate parent who can't find an antibiotic for their infant. They want me to call it somewhere else, but no pharmacies have it.

We need to do more to prevent infections.


#tripledemic #shortages #antibiotic #HealthcareCrisis #pediatriccareissuffering #crisis #StayHomeWhenSick #WearAMask

Last updated 2 years ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
296 followers · 2160 posts · Server zeroes.ca

RT @MoriartyLab


Stable...hope it can go lower in next week or two.

1 in 38 people infected
97K-133K infections per week

Please help the healthcare system!

A good one--N95-type.

#WearAMask #StayHomeWhenSick

Last updated 2 years ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
296 followers · 2160 posts · Server zeroes.ca

RT @MoriartyLab@twitter.com



Stable...hope it can go lower in next week or two.

1 in 38 people infected
97K-133K infections per week

Please help the healthcare system!

A good one--N95-type.

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/MoriartyLab/status

#WearAMask #StayHomeWhenSick

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Leighton MD, FRCPC · @ccleighton
228 followers · 20 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

RT @MoriartyLab@twitter.com


VERY HIGH COVID hazard. Improving slowly, but Ontario is like a ship--hard to slow down.

1 in 31 people infected
300K-415K infections per week

Hopefully Ontario falls to HIGH hazard in next week or two.

A good one--N95-type.

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/MoriartyLab/status

#WearAMask #StayHomeWhenSick

Last updated 2 years ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
296 followers · 2160 posts · Server zeroes.ca

RT @MoriartyLab@twitter.com

@IHME_UW@twitter.com Reducing excess mortality from 5% to 2.5% by masking in high risk periods might prevent 7,500 untimely deaths/year. That's double the average annual mortality of flu in Canada.

Take care of the people you love and your community.

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/MoriartyLab/status

#StayHomeWhenSick #WearAMask

Last updated 2 years ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
296 followers · 2160 posts · Server zeroes.ca

RT @MoriartyLab
@IHME_UW Reducing excess mortality from 5% to 2.5% by masking in high risk periods might prevent 7,500 untimely deaths/year. That's double the average annual mortality of flu in Canada.

Take care of the people you love and your community.

#StayHomeWhenSick #WearAMask

Last updated 2 years ago

SafetyFirst · @SafetyFirst
316 followers · 1597 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

RT @drawolak@twitter.com

Unless we act, the pediatric hospitals crisis will only get worse before it gets better. Please.
- use an N95 equivalent. Not cloth.
against & - vaccines are only effective when they’re in arms. Not just in vials on shelves.

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/drawolak/status/15

#MaskUp #getvaccinated #flu #covid #StayHomeWhenSick

Last updated 2 years ago