RT 🇪🇺 DG DEFIS #StrongerTogether
The creation of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform, #STEP, aims to accelerate the progress of digital and deep tech innovations by allocating additional funds to #EDF and other initiatives, amplifying their impact📈
Learn more at 🔗https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3345
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1687758400099102720
#StrongerTogether #DYK #SteP #EDF
Re @PaoloGentiloni: “Requirements f. after 2026:
First,a new framework f. fiscal rules. 2nd,we need to introduce new #Europ. tools
In the #MFFrevision,we proposed #STEP to stimulate investments in technologies
This requires strengthening the #EUBudget,e.g.via #NewOwnResources”1/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JHahnEU/status/1684871293022142465
#Europ #MFFrevision #SteP #EUbudget #NewOwnResources
The @EU_Commission recently proposed the creation of a 🆕 Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform
➡️By allocating more funds to the #EDF and other initiatives, #STEP will boost the development of critical digital & deep tech technologies📈
More at
🔗https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3345 https://t.co/tUZwMmqzwG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1683032240454770688
Momentos de crise, desde sempre na história UE, sao momentos favoráveis ao progresso na construção europeia. Vamos conseguir fazer mais no aprofundamento autonomia estratégica UE nomeada/ na política de defesa? Sobre isto questionei hoje @ThierryBreton .
<div class="rsshub-quote">
🇪🇺 DG DEFIS #StrongerTogether: This morning, Commissioner @ThierryBreton discussed with the 🇪🇺Committee on Budgets the crucial role of #EDIRPA, #ASAP, #STEP and their impact on the EU budget, emphasising the importance of developing a
✔️responsive 🛡️
✔️innovative 🖥️
✔️resilient 🔏
#EUDefence industrial base https://t.co/OToeY6tK32
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mmargmarques/status/1681762231564791811
#StrongerTogether #EDIRPA #ASAP #SteP #EUDefence
RT 🇪🇺 DG DEFIS #StrongerTogether
This morning, Commissioner @ThierryBreton discussed with the 🇪🇺Committee on Budgets the crucial role of #EDIRPA, #ASAP, #STEP and their impact on the EU budget, emphasising the importance of developing a
✔️responsive 🛡️
✔️innovative 🖥️
✔️resilient 🔏
#EUDefence industrial base https://t.co/OToeY6tK32
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1681582748014608386
#StrongerTogether #EDIRPA #ASAP #SteP #EUDefence
RT Liis Jaansalu
#GAC ǀ Ministers are discussing the proposed #MFFrevision, incl.
➡️ support for 🇺🇦 via #UkraineFacility
➡️managing migration & external challenges
➡️ new Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform #STEP
You can follow their exchange of views here:
http://europa.eu/!Vkdxyd https://t.co/uJXCdQA1Jv
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_liisja/status/1678339986779787264
#GAC #MFFrevision #UkraineFacility #SteP
Two weeks ago, the @EU_Commission proposed the creation of a 🆕 Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform
➡️By allocating additional funds to the 🇪🇺🛡️#EDF & other initiatives, #STEP will boost the development of critical technologies within the EU📈
🔗https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3345 https://t.co/grHn8DgsmP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1676154772305453058
Martinas Woche ist online
#Fördermittel #Haushalt #FairWorkSiegel #LUXFilmpreis #Regionalpolitik #STEP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martina_michels/status/1675789297331437570
#Fördermittel #haushalt #FairWorkSiegel #LUXFilmpreis #Regionalpolitik #SteP
Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni pointed to other sources of EU funding, like NGEU, but agreed (albeit diplomatically) that #STEP is ultimately only a first step. https://t.co/OWP0TS1YN7
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AnnaAsimakopoul/status/1674721063182438401
Thank you @EP_Budgets for the constructive discussion on the #MFF revision, including #STEP & the #Ukraine Facility, as well as #NewOwnResources.
We should not start from scratch -
🕰️ is of essence! 1/2 https://t.co/YWKUGAsCI4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JHahnEU/status/1673770129669193729
#MFF #SteP #Ukraine #NewOwnResources
Glad to exchange w/ @EP_Regional on role of #CohesionPolicy funds in supporting 🇪🇺regions to invest in strategic technologies #STEP.
This remains voluntary & mostly targeted to ensure competitiveness & convergence. Cohesion logic is fully safeguarded.
👉https://europa.eu/!6rpGQt https://t.co/mdJMGoErn3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1673754027115397120
🆕La propuesta #STEP marca un hito en la política industrial europea. Su mensaje es claro: debemos reindustrializar Europa y crear un escenario de inversión del que todas las regiones se beneficien.
¿Por qué supone un cambio en la política de cohesión?🇪🇺👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/susanasolisp/status/1671558240960757761
Re #STEP se centra en áreas de inversión muy específicas donde la UE debería liderar y que la CE ha identificado como “tecnologías críticas y emergentes”: deep and digital technology, clean technology and biotechnology.✅
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/susanasolisp/status/1671558242906800141
Re Hasta ahora la falta de músculo financiero español nos ha puesto por detrás de países como Francia y Alemania en política industrial.
#STEP nos da la oportunidad de invertir en tecnologías punteras donde ya tenemos experiencia como la biotecnología o las renovables.🙌¡Hagámoslo!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/susanasolisp/status/1671558248439115776
Yesterday, @JHahnEU presented a proposal for targeted revision of the long-term #EUbudget to address most urgent priorities:
✅Support for 🇺🇦 through the #UkraineFacility
✅Managing #migration & external challenges
✅Promoting competitiveness through #STEP
1/2 https://t.co/GJOKY04dey
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Budget/status/1671509468088025089
#EUbudget #UkraineFacility #migration #SteP
RT 🇪🇺 DG DEFIS #StrongerTogether
Yesterday, @EU_Commission proposed the creation of a 🆕 Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform #STEP
Among other investments, an additional €1.5 billion will be allocated to the 🇪🇺🛡️ European Defence Fund #EDF
🔗https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3345 https://t.co/LOsWFymrJS
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1671524081731096578
RT Johannes Hahn
We act also to be #firstmovers concerning future technologies.
Therefore, today we propose the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform #STEP.
The platform will:
💶enable an investment potential of up to €160 billion
🎖️introduce a "one stop shop” to provide guidance! https://t.co/hDmRJE6OXQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JHahnEU/status/1671138569916674048
Re Cohesion will be made more flexible when supporting large enterprises in strategic technologies #STEP
The changes will focus on least developed & transition regions, as well as developed regions of Member States <100% 🇪🇺GDP, to ensure level playing field & promote convergence. https://t.co/u25TcAktMR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1671133561976438792
RT @ACFBangladesh: Community members of the #STEP project are using accumulated water management and mulching methods to protect their fruit trees from extreme weather conditions #HeatWaves
@EU_ECHO @ECHO_Asia https://t.co/BFxM0564Et
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1648227085238902785
🇪🇺EU Ambassadors visit Science & Tech Park #CMU 🇹🇭 to strengthen coop. on smart cities & urban dev.
@iurc_aa aims to work w/ #SteP to connect two cities from different parts of the world, Chiang Mai & Granada, allowing them to find innovative solutions to common challenges.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinThailand/status/1637710224260993024