Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
786 followers · 38399 posts · Server

@lina @fuchsiii @AsahiLinux yeah, that'll be the kicking in, cuz literally not only constantly queries it, but pulls player data like and the configuration (like loadout, cursor cobfiguration, etc.) from the via the Steamworks .

Older games like CS 1.6 could be cracked easily with a modified steamapi.dll but Steam will detect and replace all steamapi.* files through newer ones when it runs.

#api #steamcloud #steam_id #CSGO #DRM #Steamworks

Last updated 1 year ago

Caroline Joy Bell · @halotroop2288
29 followers · 208 posts · Server

How do you link to your project? I couldn't figure it out with , so I attempted to use it in (the only other build tool I know, cause I come from JVM land). Neither of them actually seem to have a way to link a .lib or .dll with headers.

#Steamworks #Premake #gradle #cpp #cplusplus #steam #dev #question #advice #library #cpplibrary

Last updated 2 years ago

Speckdäne · @Speckdaene
120 followers · 766 posts · Server

@schattendasein deutsches 8/24: dry hopped . , riecht schön nach , ist hell und , ein sehr satter, kräftiger süffiger Geschmack nach den 9 V, die es hat. Genau das richtige für einen kalten Winterabend.

#kalea #craftbeer #bieradvent #adventskalender #Steamworks #Weizenbock #kaltgehopft #weizen #naturtrub

Last updated 2 years ago

Rock Paper Shotgun · @rockpapershotgun
488 followers · 20678 posts · Server