Dai Sumeri al Metaverso | "Snow Crash" il virus/droga/religione che devasta la mente
Snow Crash di Neal Stephenson, pubblicato nel 1992, non è solo il romanzo nel quale, per la prima volta, prendono vita sia il Metaverso, e sia gli avatar così come, oggi, li intendiamo; ma è un vero capolavoro.
🔗 https://www.amleto.info/2023/02/dai-sumeri-al-metaverso-snow-crash.html
#Stephenson #speculativefiction #letteratura
The Rocket was a pioneering steam-powered locomotive invented in 1829 by the British engineer Robert Stephenson (1803-1859). For a cash prize, extensive competition trials were held to find the best locomotive in the Rainhill Trials. Rocket won and so was used to pull carriages on the first inter-city train line from Liverpool to Manchester, which opened in September 1830. https://www.worldhistory.org/Stephenson's_Rocket/ #Stephenson'sRocket #RobertStephenson #SteamEngine #History
#History #steamengine #robertstephenson #Stephenson
@rayckeith @sciencefiction @epistemology @straylight @Deborah909 @bookstodon @pmb @elysegrasso @philosophy
After _Seven Eves_, #Stephenson can do no wrong in my mind.
I say that. But _Anathem_ is testing my faith and patience after only 2 chapters.
#HardSciFi #CharacterDevelopment #PoliSci #Writing #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #Writing #polisci #characterdevelopment #hardscifi #Stephenson
Another #SciFi #dystopia is becoming reality:
"But if cars had been invented after Macintoshes, carmakers would not have bothered to gin up all of these arcane devices. We would have a computer screen instead of a dashboard."
Neal #Stephenson, In the Beginning was the Command Line (1999)
#scifi #dystopia #Stephenson #nealstephenson #commandline #apple #cars #wwdc
@tunda Nur leicht OT:
Finkle-McGraw brightened a bit. "You know, when I was a lad they called it A.I. Artificial intelligence."
Hackworth allowed himself a tight, narrow, and brief smile. "Well, there's something to be said for cheekiness, I suppose."
--Neal #Stephenson, The Diamond Age
#Stephenson #literature #sciencefiction
@upgradetofreedom@librem.one Übrigens, eine Leseempfehlung, die in diesem Zusammenhang passt (und dir gefallen könnte): Der Barockzyklus von Neal #Stephenson.