Saturday’s without #stereounderground would be UNBEARABLE so DON’T LET ME DOWN, GENTLY #RichardLatto & GIVE GIVE GIVE ME MORE MORE MORE!
WHO WANTS TO BE THE DISCO KING when you’ve got the indie king?
Great tunes are just A WISH AWAY!
This is no RADIO ASS KISS-the show has reached the DIZZY heights on #BBCSounds -growing to become THE SIZE OF A COW!
And there’s never ads like on our downmarket commercial rivals, whose mantra is always:IT’S YER MONEY I’M AFTER BABY #Wonderstuff Featured Artist
#Stereounderground #richardlatto #BBCSounds #wonderstuff
#thecure are featured artist on this week’s #stereounderground !!
I STILL REMEMBER Saturdays before #stereounderground radio was IN A DARK PLACE only playing MUSIC FOR CHAMELEONS-THAT’S TOO BAD. The kids would be DOWN IN THE PARK, playing WARRIORS amongst the CARS in a COMPLEX game involving running around like a BERSERKER!
ARE FRIENDS ELECTRIC? They are when it’s #RichardLatto playing #garynuman
on #BBCSounds Tune in-it’ll CHANGE YOUR MIND!
This week’s SU Featured Artist is Gary Numan. Download the show on BBCSounds now!
#Stereounderground #richardlatto #garynuman #BBCSounds
#BBCLocalRadio - #StereoUnderground, 400th Edition! Including: #TheUndertones, #TheClash, #Motorhead, #TheStranglers, #TheLightningSeeds, #AlteredImages, #IggyPop-it’s the 400th edition of SU & what a great playlist! 🔊
Worth a download if you’ve never listened before. Highly recommended 👍
#BBCSounds #BBCRADIOSolent #bbcradiosussex
#bbclocalradio #Stereounderground #TheUndertones #TheClash #motorhead #thestranglers #TheLightningSeeds #AlteredImages #iggypop #BBCSounds #BBCRADIOSolent #bbcradiosussex
EVERYBODY’S SAYING THURSDAY IS THE WEEKEND but I know @RichardLatto is still finalising the #stereounderground playlist then!
Saturday can’t come TOO SOON -we know it takes time to LAY DOWN the running order! When you’ve got to THE END just don’t accidentally press DELETE or you’ll find yourself going ROUND & AROUND and wasting TIME & MONEY! Then it’s time to put out the trailer-SO WE KNOW what’s on the show!
I do BELIEVE that, IN THE MOMENT, #stereounderground is TIMELESS! #DMAs #BBCSounds
#Stereounderground #DMAs #BBCSounds
I sent in a gig story to #stereounderground & got my beer mats but I’m WISHING (I HAD A PHOTOGRAPH OF YOU) @RichardLatto!
It’s MAGIC when you read out my texts-it’s my words but (ITS NOT ME)TALKING! That’s the beauty of modern TELECOMMUNICATION. When you played a SPACE AGE LOVE SONG I had so many NIGHTMARES-I couldn’t TRANSFER AFFECTION, panicked,& I RAN (SO FAR AWAY) #flockofseagulls are Featured Artist this week & #richardlatto interviews #mikescore
#Stereounderground #flockofseagulls #richardlatto #mikescore
HALLELUJAH it’s Happy Mondays on #stereounderground! Fancy some FREAKY DANCIN’ this week?
Well STEP ON in & join the 24 HOUR PARTY PEOPLE!
Any style goes-baggy jeans with a LOOSE FIT, maybe a bucket hat over that KINKY AFRO and BOB’S YER UNCLE!
Now don’t go getting LAZYITIS or JUDGE FUDGE will make sure that the BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN to stop your STINKIN’ THINKIN’.
Let’s just have SUNSHINE & LOVE everybody!
Join #richardlatto on Saturday when #HappyMondays are Featured Artist! #BBCSounds
#Stereounderground #richardlatto #HappyMondays #BBCSounds
#BBCLocalRadio - #StereoUnderground, Featured Artist: #TheSelecter. Plus: #StoneRoses, #TheJags, #Madness, #ArcadeFire, #ToyDolls, #Cake, #TheVapors, #Squeeze, #Sleeper
This week’s show is available to download now #BBCSounds
#bbclocalradio #Stereounderground #TheSelecter #stoneroses #thejags #madness #arcadefire #toydolls #cake #TheVapors #Squeeze #Sleeper #BBCSounds
#RichardLatto is so much more than a THREE MINUTE HERO of mine! When he’s ON MY RADIO playing THE SELECTER on #stereounderground he’s never MISSING WORDS, faithfully reading out our texts & tweets. Occasionally he’s FACING SITUATIONS like is this tune fringe-edge enough for the SU playlist? I needn’t worry-he manages to WALK THE WALK every week. This show is BOX FRESH! #theselecter are SU Featured Artist this Saturday & Latto plays his interview with #paulineblack
#BBCSounds #bbcradiosussex
#richardlatto #Stereounderground #TheSelecter #paulineblack #BBCSounds #bbcradiosussex
DON’T BE SCARED OF ME and my WICKED WAYS says @RichardLatto
IT PAYS TO BELONG to the #stereounderground community-the music is SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL & I’m always DIGGING YOUR SCENE! OH MY, I’ll always find some FORBIDDEN FRUIT to play-keep the requests coming, I like to leave you spoilt for CHOICE.
#TheBlowMonkeys are Featured Artist on this Saturday’s #Stereounderground Join #richardlatto as he chats to Dr Robert from the band! #BBCSounds #bbclocalradio
#Stereounderground #theblowmonkeys #richardlatto #BBCSounds #bbclocalradio
SEE YOU know EVERYTHING COUNTS on #stereounderground-Punk, New Wave, Indie-I JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH of this show! @RichardLatto manages to GET THE BALANCE RIGHT & it’s just BLASPHEMOUS RUMOURS that he wants to add Disco to the playlist-save it for the Dance Dungeon or LEAVE IN SILENCE Latto!
PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE & we know what we like, it’s hard to SHAKE THE DISEASE!
IT’S NO GOOD- I’ve a STRANGELOVE for this show on Saturday nights-it feels like HOME #depechemode
Tune in Saturday 6-8pm #BBCSounds
#Stereounderground #DepecheMode #BBCSounds
#stereounderground is ONE STEP BEYOND anything else-it soars on the WINGS OF A DOVE above THE SUN & THE RAIN -THE PRINCE of Radio shows!
Whether I’m DRIVING IN MY CAR or on the NIGHT BOAT TO CAIRO I’m always tuned in to this HOUSE OF FUN-IT MUST BE LOVE!!
MY GIRL says my BAGGY TROUSERS are a bit of an EMBARRASSMENT. She’s the SWEETEST GIRL though, always around OUR HOUSE visiting mum & UNCLE SAM and feeding JOHNNY THE HORSE!
GIRL WHY DON’T YOU tune in Saturday 6-8pm #BBCSounds #richardlatto
#Stereounderground #BBCSounds #richardlatto
#BBCLocalRadio - #StereoUnderground, Featured Artist: #Radiohead. Plus: #Squeeze, #EMF, XTC, #TheUndertones, #ReverendandTheMakers, #ThePassions, #KateBush, #TheCure
Tonight 6-8pm #BBCSounds
#bbclocalradio #Stereounderground #radiohead #Squeeze #emf #TheUndertones #ReverendandtheMakers #ThePassions #katebush #thecure #BBCSounds
We’re so LUCKY to have #stereounderground each week. It’s JUST about the best show on the radio-it has it’s own STREET SPIRIT!
THERE THERE you’ll never GO TO SLEEP whilst listening to SU, or I PROMISE I’ll call the KARMA POLICE!
NO SURPRISES for the quiz this week please @RichardLatto I hate being left HIGH AND DRY! Last time I ended up feeling like a PARANOID ANDROID cos I didn’t know 2+2=5.
POP IS DEAD, punk & new wave rule-ANYONE CAN PLAY GUITAR as long as they’re not a CREEP!
BBCLocalRadio’s most downloaded show- #StereoUnderground with 3 tracks from Featured Artist: #ShedSeven. Plus: #HotChip, #TheWombats, #TheClash, #TheCure, #Buzzcocks, #TheLightningSeeds, #SeaGirls, #REM #phillynott
#Stereounderground #shedseven #hotChip #TheWombats #TheClash #thecure #buzzcocks #TheLightningSeeds #seagirls #rem #phillynott
What's the best #shedseven track?
They're featured artist on the latest
#stereounderground with #richardlatto
Download BBC Local
Radio's biggest digital show via #BBCSounds here:
#shedseven #Stereounderground #richardlatto #BBCSounds
#BBCLocalRadio - #StereoUnderground, Featured Artist: #TheClash. Plus: #Blur, #TheUndertones, #TheJam, #Delta5,#TheWhiteStripes, #VoiceoftheBeehive #Kasabian...
Join #RichardLatto on #BBCSounds for 2 hours of Indie Classics, Alternative Anthems & everything in between!
#bbclocalradio #Stereounderground #TheClash #blur #TheUndertones #thejam #delta5 #thewhitestripes #VoiceoftheBeehive #kasabian #richardlatto #BBCSounds
THE GUNS OF BRIXTON are out in force-it could be a WHITE RIOT tonight or a CLAMPDOWN. SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? LONDON’S CALLING so get your TOMMY GUN ready-SPANISH BOMBS are falling & LONDON’S BURNING -is this the ENGLISH CIVIL WAR??
Will we go STRAIGHT TO HELL or back to our SAFE EUROPEAN HOME? All I know is I FOUGHT THE LAW & the law won! #theclash #stereounderground
#BBCLocal Radio - #StereoUnderground, Featured Artist: #TheSpecials. Plus: #Oasis, #Garbage, #Buzzcocks, #Suede, #FunBoyThree, #Placebo, #PrimalScream, #JesusJones...
Listen on #BBCSounds -a great tribute to #terryhall
#bbclocal #Stereounderground #TheSpecials #oasis #garbage #buzzcocks #Suede #funboythree #placebo #PrimalScream #jesusjones #BBCSounds #terryhall
#BBCLocalRadio - #StereoUnderground, Special Edition: New Year Punk Party. Including: #SexPistols, #TheSlits, #TheRezillos, #Buzzcocks, #ToyDolls, #TheStranglers...
Join #richardlatto on #BBCSounds for a great 2 hour punk & new wave music fest!
#bbclocalradio #Stereounderground #sexpistols #theslits #TheRezillos #buzzcocks #toydolls #thestranglers #richardlatto #BBCSounds