‘Northern Ireland has fully regained its place within the UK internal market’, says NI minister Steve Baker - Channel 4 News https://apple.news/Avj83XKEVTgu_Ptzc9EQkvA #SteveBaker utter 🔔🔚 and 🤡
Steve Baker, a minister in Rishi Sunak’s government who has been a fierce opponent of climate action received £10,000 from the chair of the UK’s main climate science denial group last month.
#SteveBaker #ukpolitics #climatechangedenial #torybritain
One more time…
Make sure you check your spelling when talking about Tory cuts and Jeremy Hunt.
#SteveBaker #GeneralElectionNow #AutumnStatement #ToriesOut133
RT @D0ntBeFooled@twitter.com
Please can everyone reporting on the #AutumnStatement today be extra careful with their spelling when making reference to the massive Tory cuts.
#ToriesOut133 #GeneralElectionNow #ToryCuts
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/D0ntBeFooled/status/1593039046514995201
#SteveBaker #GeneralElectionNow #autumnstatement #ToriesOut133 #ToryCuts