A New Brand of #HinduExtremism is Going #Global | #DecadeOfHate
The connections btwn #globalfascism 's #farright scumbags are a threat to everyone everywhere.
#SteveBannon #Modi #Islamophobia
Even a pathetic waste that is #TommyRobinson
#fascisminindia #hinduextremism #global #DecadeOfHate #globalfascism #farright #SteveBannon #modi #islamophobia #TommyRobinson
There’s no mention of one of the architects of this global movement towards fascism, Mr. Stephen Bannon who roams the wold freely spreading authoritarianism, white christian supremacy and hate.
#fascist #antifacist #stevebannon #white #christian #supremacy #authoritarian #global #theGuardian
#fascist #antifacist #SteveBannon #white #christian #supremacy #authoritarian #global #theguardian
#SteveBannon is the liquored up, puss faced, energizer bunny of grifters.
Steve Bannon, an Exiled Mogul, and the Ukraine Rescue Effort That (Mostly) Wasn't - Mother Jones
#SteveBannon #GiorgiaMeloni
3 months ago, #MSNBC #TheBeat
#Meloni 'I'm not a #fascist'
Taliban 'We will not take away women's rights'
#SteveBannon #giorgiameloni #StopGlobalFascism #msnbc #TheBeat #AriMelber #Meloni #fascist
#SteveBannon #GiorgiaMeloni
3 months ago, #MSNBC #TheBeat
#Meloni 'I'm not a #fascist'
Taliban 'We will not take away women's rights'
#SteveBannon #giorgiameloni #StopGlobalFascism #msnbc #TheBeat #arimelhber #Meloni #fascist
#SteveBannon #GiorgiaMeloni
3 months ago, #MSNBC
#SteveBannon #giorgiameloni #StopGlobalFascism #msnbc #arimelhber
This vid was uploaded because it reveals #SteveBannon ' s connections with #Bolsonaro
You know rhat things are bad when former GOP people are talking about the #rightwing & #fascism
#Brasil #Brésil 🇧🇷
(the US has NEVER exported democracy, but ...learning curve, Joe, learning curve)
#SteveBannon #bolsonaro #rightwing #fascism #brasil #bresil
This vid was uploaded because it reveals #SteveBannon ' s connections with #Bolsonaro
You know rhat things are bad when former GOP people are talking about the #rightwing & #fascism
#Brasil #Brésil 🇧🇷
#SteveBannon #bolsonaro #rightwing #fascism #brasil #bresil
#Elon is really just an extension of the #SteveBannon creature. 🐵 https://t.co/dLvTnQW20N
#RebelHQ's #RichardOjeda is as fed up with #SteveBannon and MAGA loonies as the rest of the world
#RebelHQ #RichardOjeda #SteveBannon
I can't get the fucking vid uploaded, but check out #FTS #FromTheSouth, #TeleSUREnglish (from #Invidious, #Newpipe, etc instead of Youtube if you can)
The first 10 minutes of the #news programme covers the #election in #Brazil. Report also covers issues around #votersuppression in Brazil, as well as the involvement of #SteveBannon🤮💩
#fts #fromthesouth #telesurenglish #invidious #newpipe #news #election #brazil #votersuppression #SteveBannon
RT @ToddKunzTV
Steve Bannon, an ally of former President Trump, was sentenced Friday to serve 4 months behind bars after defying a #subpoena from the House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol. https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-steve-bannon-congress-donald-trump-sentencing-36d412eba9e1609a030859852378ae3d
#subpoena #SteveBannon #trump #January6 #news3now #localnews8
A fossil fuel lobby group, owned and commanded by international global corporate bosses, in cahoots with authoritarian neo-liberal groups like #SteveBannon’s, who seek to undermine democracy and rule like fascist dictators
RT @Britain_People: What word or phrase first comes to mind when you think about the Tory government?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/GreenPartyScott/status/1583492664787632128
#TheMostUnhingedConversation You'll Hear Today
#SteveBannon went fully conspiratorial with #AlexJones by claiming the FBI raid on Donald Trump's home was part of a “deep state” plot to have the former pre...
#TheMostUnhingedConversation #farrightloonies #SteveBannon #alexjones
#stevebannon #warroom observations. Cortes with the red bull painting behind him, Malone with the lion wall hanging behind him, Bannon with the WR logo eagle behind him. Wow.
The Four Living Creatures as a tetramorph. Among their many interpretations they also represent the four fixed signs of astrology. The bull represents Taurus, the eagle represents Scorpio, the lion is Leo and the human is Aquarius.
🇩🇪|Wegen meiner Initiative im #EU-Parlament zur drängenden Frage, welche Gefahren durch die Nebenwirkungen der #COVID „Impfungen“ bei Piloten & Flugbegleitern für die Flugsicherheit bestehen: zu Gast bei Steve Bannon! #WarRoom!
https://rumble.com/v1bb4dp-christine-anderson-serious-vaccine-adverse-events-endangering-passengers-ac.html #SteveBannon
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1546932151677067265
#EU #COVID #WarRoom #SteveBannon
🇬🇧|Because of my initiative in the #EU Parliament on the urgent question of the dangers posed to flight safety by the side effects of #COVID "vaccinations" among pilots & flight attendants: guest of Steve Bannon! #WarRoom!
https://rumble.com/v1bb4dp-christine-anderson-serious-vaccine-adverse-events-endangering-passengers-ac.html #SteveBannon
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1546931648473751555
#EU #COVID #WarRoom #SteveBannon
@ajthethird @CONSERVATARIAN @Andre @JesseStone
Andre: The release and timing of President Trump's letter waiving Executive Privilege on #SteveBannon, taken together with #JudgeNichols connection with justice #Scalia is promising.
⚖️#J6⚖️ Unselect Committee.
V 🌴 Chr.
#SteveBannon #JudgeNichols #Scalia #J6
🇩🇪|📣Nach der überwältigenden Resonanz zum Livestream* zum Thema 'POST VAC Flight Risks' bin ich heute gegen 16 Uhr deutscher Zeit zu diesem kritischen Thema bei #SteveBannon im #WarRoomPandemic (http://warroom.org) Gast! @IDGroupEP
*Aufzeichnung: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/streaming/?event=20220705-1930-SPECIAL-OTHER&rampActive=true
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1544676287746375680