The Beat Generation, a sleazy 1959 crime thriller (with a hint of film noir) masquerading as an exploitation movie, or an exploitation movie masquerading as a sleazy crime thriller. With beatniks for added spice. Either way it’s interesting and enjoyable. The cast includes noir icon Steve Cochran plus Mamie van Doren, Irish McCalla (Sheena Queen of the Jungle) and Vampira!
My review:
#FilmNoir #FilmMastodon #SteveCochran #MamievanDoren #Irish McCalla #Vampira #beatniks
#filmnoir #FilmMastodon #SteveCochran #mamievandoren #irish #vampira #beatniks
#FilmNoir #SteveCochran Whether Highway 301 (1950) is a true film noir can be debated but it’s as hardboiled as they come. A combination of a police procedural and a hoods on the run movie. Taut and exciting.
My review: