Ten notable mayoral winners in municipal elections across Ontario | CP24 https://bit.ly/3TPk7jC #AndreaHorwath #StevenDelDuca #municipalelection2022 #MunicipalElection #onpoli
#andreahorwath #StevenDelDuca #MunicipalElection2022 #municipalelection #onpoli
#StevenDelDuca of the #OntarioLiberalParty plans to require #COVIDvaccines in #publicschools
#publicschools #covidvaccines #OntarioLiberalParty #StevenDelDuca
Is the Bradford Bypass good for farmers? | TVO https://bit.ly/3capp5G #LPO #StevenDelDuca #BradfordBypass #PCPO #DougFord #onpoli
#dougford #lpo #StevenDelDuca #BradfordBypass #pcpo #onpoli
The real point: #StevenDelDuca promises to bring in ranked choice voting for the Ontario legislature in his first term, and to establish a citizens' assembly to make further recommendations for #ElectoralReform.
I actually favour the first part of the proposal. However, ranked choice voting would best start at a municipal level, then spread to provincial elections if the voters so desire.
#onpol #electoralreform #StevenDelDuca
“Partisanship doesn’t deliver progress, and rhetoric won’t deliver results.”
If #StevenDelDuca really believes that, he should stop giving speeches and dissolve the #OntarioLiberal party...
All right, out of context, not what he meant. Still an odd thing for a politician to say.
#nationalpost #onpol #OntarioLiberal #StevenDelDuca