(2/2)… cleaner, healthier food and #beverage to #Australians and the world.
Now #organicFarms risk losing their certification from nearby use of #toxicSprays. A step in the *wrong* direction.
Another blow for #publicHealth.
Blame the #cronyist govt, #greedDriven #BigPharma, particular #grainGrowers and prospective #GMSoy and #GMCanola #growers, and the #corporateMedia.
#stevenMarshall #cronyism #unintelligencia #canola #canolaOil #soy #Monsanto #Bayer #extremeGreed #farming #agriculture
#beverage #Australians #organicFarms #toxicSprays #publichealth #cronyist #greedDriven #bigpharma #grainGrowers #GMSoy #GMCanola #growers #corporatemedia #StevenMarshall #cronyism #unintelligencia #canola #canolaOil #soy #monsanto #Bayer #extremeGreed #farming #agriculture
As we've previously, there are many #warPigs and #wellConnected #lobbyists in #Australia who are working to undermine our #democratic process to gain a #nuclearWaste and #nuclearEnergy #racket.
Three years ago a #citizensJury shot down the proposal for a #toxicDump in #SouthAustralia. There was a multi-million dollar push for #nuclear at the time.
Now, with a #sychophant #stateGovt Premier #StevenMarshall in power, we have grave concerns for a #sustainable future in this country.
#warpigs #wellConnected #lobbyists #australia #democratic #nuclearwaste #nuclearEnergy #racket #citizensJury #toxicDump #SouthAustralia #nuclear #sychophant #stateGovt #StevenMarshall #sustainable