Just listening to #StevenMoffat on Radio 4’s #Today programme.
It’s fascinating: especially his throwaway line that #DoctorWho “only has three monster on Screen: only one of which takes its helmet off!”
#StevenMoffat #Today #doctorwho
A Good Man Goes To War
Doctor Who
Steven Moffat
Demons run when a good man goes to war
Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war
Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise
When a good man goes to war
Demons run, but count the cost
The battle's won, but the child is lost
#doctorwho #StevenMoffat #agoodmangoestowar
https://www.themself.org/2015/07/doctor-who-trailer-sept-19th/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #bbc #benedictcumberbatch #doctordoctorwho #doctorwho #jennalouisecoleman #petercapaldi #sherlocktvseries #stevenmoffat #tv
#tv #StevenMoffat #sherlocktvseries #PeterCapaldi #jennalouisecoleman #doctorwho #doctordoctorwho #benedictcumberbatch #bbc
一些人又开始queer baiting了(RTD started it)
🎀 "Bow-ties are cool." 🎀
The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who). My very first cosplay.
This was Hallowe'en 2011, I believe. Matt Smith's second year as the Doctor.
Wanting to become a cosplayer had been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid. You can thank Animax for that, I guess. 😅
#DoctorWho #DrWho #EleventhDoctor #TARDIS #AmyPond #RoryWilliams #MattSmith #KarenGillan #ArthurDarvill #StevenMoffat #Cosplay #FirstCosplay #DoctorWhoCosplay
#DoctorWhoCosplay #FirstCosplay #cosplay #StevenMoffat #ArthurDarvill #KarenGillan #mattsmith #RoryWilliams #AmyPond #tardis #EleventhDoctor #drwho #doctorwho
To the person on my timeline who a few weeks or months ago wondered if #StevenMoffat would include /that/ scene of #AudreyNiffenegger's #TheTimeTravellersWife book into the HBO series:
Yes, yes he did. It's #HBO, and it's #Moffat, so of course he did.
#StevenMoffat #AudreyNiffenegger #TheTimeTravellersWife #hbo #Moffat
With #StevenMoffat as showrunner of #TheTimeTravellersWife, I can't help but wonder how much he had already borrowed from #AudreyNiffenegger's book for #RiverSong's story arc in #DoctorWho, and how much he'll borrow in reverse for this series.
(Apparently the series got cancelled after the first season already though, so I guess not a lot for the latter.)
#StevenMoffat #TheTimeTravellersWife #AudreyNiffenegger #riversong #doctorwho
> 有时候你看了太烂的东西,觉得自己一个礼拜都不应该写东西了,免得被污染了,免得那些彻头彻尾的垃圾对话和糟透的故事留在了你的脑子里。你需要排毒。然后你读了Russell [T Davies]的剧本,一瞬间就一尘不染了。所以他的作品对我很有影响力,能为我补充能量。几年前我就读了《黄瓜》的剧本,因为我卡在了Doctor Who上,改某个别人的剧本改得精疲力尽苦不堪言,所以我偷偷跟他说,“能不能给我发个没看过的好剧本,提醒我一下好剧本是什么样。”并不是说你会照着去写,但是你会一下就:“太棒了!一颗赛艇!”
#DoctorWho #StevenMoffat #RussellTDavies