Bernard #Stiegler talks about "doubly epochal redoubling" as part of our human means for incorporating & responding to technological change, & if you squint really hard a return to pencil and paper as the best technology for the classroom might arguably qualify as an example #ChatGPT #destruction #AI #education
#Stiegler #chatgpt #destruction #ai #education
Introduction part 2:
#Dance #Documentation #Annotation #Labanotation #Notation #Postphenomenology #CoProducedResearch #ArtsAndHealth #ChronicPain #CriticalPhenomenology #DanceHistory #PhilsophyOfTechnology #Stiegler #Phenomenology #ParticipatoryArts #HistoryOfTechnology #Creativity #Arts
#dance #documentation #annotation #labanotation #notation #Postphenomenology #coproducedresearch #ArtsAndHealth #chronicpain #criticalphenomenology #dancehistory #philsophyoftechnology #Stiegler #phenomenology #participatoryarts #historyoftechnology #creativity #arts
When people complain that #mastodon lacks precisely those features that made Twitter so destructive and disruptive in the first place, the problem is not so much that their capacities for social reflexivity are suspended. Rather, with #Stiegler's #philosophy of technology, we can think of it as the short-circuiting of technological reflexivity in general.
#mastodon #Stiegler #philosophy
Time for #introduction at this :)
I'm working on media #philosophy and #mediastudies, currently teaching #film at uni in Lüneburg and a critique of the #economics of platform capitalism in Hamburg at HMS.
My thinking is mainly a bit of #Stiegler with some #Strathern and a whole lot of #Whitehead. So Organology and Organicism, Ecology and Relationality, Cosmology and Cosmopolitics, y'know the drill..
Probably also here for toots on #sf literature and obscure flicks :-)
See you around!
#introduction #philosophy #mediastudies #film #economics #Stiegler #Strathern #whitehead #sf