David S. D’Amato · @dsdamato
109 followers · 331 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Darth Buddha · @haschrebellen
176 followers · 1164 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Short Version, gesunder Egoismus. Der Einzige und sein Eigentum.

Eigentum ist nicht materiell. Es ist die Eigentümlichkeit, Individualität. Aber die Menschen sind alle gleich. Nur nicht gleich viel Wert. Der Einzige steht neben Gott, und lässt sich auch von dem Nichts sagen. Nichts existiert unabhängig. Es ist ein semantischer Sprung. Der geht nur ohne Elterngenerationsprogrammierung.


#anarchy #Stirner

Last updated 1 year ago

· @nominis
116 followers · 23 posts · Server kolektiva.social

“A true atheist, that is, an atheist in the ordinary sense, is therefore he alone to whom the predicates of the Divine Being—for example, love, wisdom, and justice—are nothing, not he to whom only the subject of these predicates is nothing.”

— Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity

#atheism #Feuerbach #Stirner

Last updated 1 year ago

· @nominis
115 followers · 18 posts · Server kolektiva.social

“It would be foolish to maintain that there is no power above mine. Only the attitude that I take toward it will be quite different than that of the religious age: I will be the enemy of every higher power, whereas religion teaches us to make it our friend and to humble ourselves before it.”

— Max Stirner

#anarchy #Stirner #religion #atheism

Last updated 1 year ago

· @nominis
103 followers · 1 posts · Server kolektiva.social

“Max Stirner was not wrong to say that all moralists have slept in the bed of religion...”

From the SI's critique of Louis Janover of the journal Front Noir. Internationale Situationniste #11 (October 1967).


#Stirner #egoism #situationist #situ #debord #morality

Last updated 1 year ago

UnionCommunisteLibertaire37 · @ucl37
213 followers · 120 posts · Server mastodon.online
BookQuestChin :fuck_verify: · @robcayman
147 followers · 240 posts · Server kolektiva.social

How do you define an individual?

Are there concrete dividing lines where we can distinguish between influences on the individual and attributes of the individual?

I have recently finished reading Stirner, I first read the Ego and His Own... And then I read The Unique and its Property. I found the latter to be a far more nuanced and elucidating translation.

But throughout both reads, it struck me that how Stirner's viewpoint gets interpreted depends entirely on how we define the individual.

I have been thinking that what makes every individual Unique, is their specific contextual configuration. This would be the traditional view of the autonomous person, and their surrounding environments, and historical and cultural context, and the information network to which they have and are connected.

In this way, the individual is greater than the traditional autonomous person as has been depicted for centuries. The individual is a unique configuration of multiple and changing components, activities, connections, and dependencies.

Viewed in this light, the implications of Stirner's Unique is vastly different from the individualist view that was originally proposed in The Ego and His Own

#egoism #Stirner #individualism

Last updated 2 years ago