2/ #SorryDay #StolenGeneration s #Indigenous
These State and Federal governments' practices of child removal was based on eugenics and was a form of genocide. Christian doctrines underlined these removals, and churches run many of the institutions the children were incarcerated in.
Basically, the idea behind the removals was to quicken the eradication of First Peoples (to create easier access to land and resources for settlers) by removing children and forcing them to assimilate. Alongside this was State control of Aboriginal women and girls relationships and reproduction rights.
This forced removal of children by government and church is a form of genocide, recognised in the UN Convention of Genocide > https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml
At the same time, First Peoples were regarded as a free source of labour to build the new empire. So the children were trained in basic skills, and then sent out to work on farms/stations, businesses, and in private homes, as young as 9 years old.
They were not paid, and would be captured if they escaped. They were given basic shelter and food, and often subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Pregnant girls/women would be sent back to the Homes (institutions). Once they'd given birth, the baby was taken and the girl/woman sent back to work.
This domestic servitude and labouring was a form of slavery > https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/10-things-you-should-know-about-slavery-in-australia/i0nc7x4vw
This enslavement finished by the 60s in Australia. People are still fighting for their stolen wages.
#SorryDay #StolenGeneration #indigenous
Acknowledging that today (26 May) is the 26th Sorry Day. And I am thinking of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people stolen by government and church, and the many who never came home đŸ’— :firstnations:
#SorryDay is a day of remembrance for the many 1000s of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children forcibly removed from their families and communities. And a day of reflecting on the the pain their families felt, and the intergenerational impact.
The word sorry in Sorry Day does not refer to apology or regret. It comes from the Indigenous practices and protocols of grief and loss, known as Sorry Business.
Sorry Day centres First Nations people who suffered loss due to these race-based government policies, not on settlers who feel remorse/white guilt.
This annual day of remembrance is one of the very few actioned recommendations of the 1997 Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families (Bringing Them Home Report), which was the result of a royal commission >https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/bringing-them-home-report-1997
The Healing Foundation has more information about the Stolen Generations, including an excellent portal of resources > https://healingfoundation.org.au/
In the next post (ie linked) I'll do a quick explainer on Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations >
#Indigenous #FirstNations #AboriginalAndTorresStraitIsldners #StolenGeneration #SorryDay
#SorryDay #indigenous #firstnations #aboriginalandtorresstraitisldners #StolenGeneration
#StolenGeneration #Voice #Referendum
Yet another reason why we need to support a #VoiceToParliament. We need to fix this injustice, this cruelty and address the issues rather than wallpaper them over with ver bad wallpaper. We need to listen and then act.
I was 10 years old when I was taken from my home. The stolen generations never ended https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/12/i-was-10-years-old-when-i-was-taken-from-my-home-the-stolen-generations-never-ended?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#StolenGeneration #voice #referendum #voicetoparliament
I bought When the Pelican Laughed on a trip back to Perth from England in 1992. It was the first book I'd read with a personal account of the #StolenGeneration. And in it, I discovered personal connections between Alice Nannup and my Nan. đŸ“–
#books #Indigenous #Australia
#StolenGeneration #books #indigenous #australia
The ‘Stolen Generations’ Testimonies’ project is an initiative to record on film the personal testimonies of Australia’s Stolen Generations Survivors and share them online.
Vic Premier Dan Andrews nails it & says no to state funeral for George Pell.
But if as reported, NSW Liberal Premier & conservative Catholic Dominic Perrottet,
Is also ruling out a state funeral,
This will be another moment like the #StolenGeneration and Indigenous #VoicetoParliament
Where Peter Dutton has not only failed to read the room, failed vulnerable children. #ChildSexualAbuse
#DanAndrews #DominicPerrottet #ChildAbuseRC ##GeorgePell #StateFuneral
#StolenGeneration #voicetoparliament #childsexualabuse #DanAndrews #DominicPerrottet #childabuserc #georgepell #statefuneral #auspol
A week ago I finished reading 'The White Girl' by indigenous Australian author Tony Birch. I cannot get the characters, setting and circumstances out of my head. Such a compelling, compassionate, courageous and beautifully written book. One of my favourite fiction books EVER.
#Books #BookReview #WhatImReading #BookRecommendation #Goodreads #AustralianAuthor #WritingCommunity #Indigenous #Australia #StolenGeneration #BestBooks #Fiction #TonyBirch #AusWriters #Librarians #AuthorsOfMastodon
#books #bookreview #WhatImReading #bookrecommendation #goodreads #australianauthor #writingcommunity #indigenous #australia #StolenGeneration #bestbooks #fiction #tonybirch #auswriters #librarians #authorsofmastodon
Tributes flow for pioneering Aboriginal singer, storyteller & activist Archie Roach, who has passed away aged 66. #music #Indigenous #StolenGeneration https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/tributes-for-pioneering-aboriginal-singer-storyteller-activist-archie-roach/37044afcj
#music #indigenous #StolenGeneration