The Stone Mountain Action Coalition is rightly calling for Stone Mountain Park to cancel the upcoming April 29 "Confederate Memorial Day" event:
The racist nature of this event is obvious. The keynote speaker for the Sons of Confederate Veterans event is John Weaver, a notorious segregationist preacher.
The SCV's Georgia spokesman is Martin O'Toole, a leader of the white nationalist Charles Martel Society who we have written about previously.
Last year's SCV rally also featured entertainment from a family tied to white supremacist "Christian Identity" circles. The event attracted Sam Dickson, a longtime white power leader and close associate of O'Toole, as well as at least one member of Patriot Front.
For as long as the giant Confederate carvings remain on Stone Mountain, it will attract white supremacist organizers. This in no way excuses Stone Mountain Park's decision to facilitate white supremacist gatherings, which endangers others visiting the park as well as the surrounding community.
#stonemountain #StoneMountainGA #AntiRacist #antifascist