sgt1372 · @sgt1372
354 followers · 14406 posts · Server

50 Home Invasions Targeting Elderly Asians in the Oakland Hills but they are only reporting it on the news now????


#StopAsianHate #AAPI

Last updated 1 year ago

earth2030 ☑️ · @earth2030
31 followers · 2192 posts · Server

Do not touch or ridicule Thai monks in Belgium ... this is a warning to the local idiots ... you could find yourself in Bangkok Hilton very soon

boosten gvd ... @karelbrits

een van die monniken was doodsbang, ze lopen gekleed in hun Oranje pij ... in Aalst ...


Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
348 followers · 13957 posts · Server

@postpunky @mosesma

Why do dismissive?

The article is only 1 day old and still relevant to Asian American men in particular and Asian Americans in general.

Asian American men face all kinds of discrimination in corporations and in life in general.

When faced witha hiring decision, WHITE MEN will hire Asian women because they get to double count (female & Asian) and also because they find Asian women sexually attractive. They even hire Asian women over White women for this reason.

It's infuriating to Asian men who are desexulalized in American media and who, if not deemed so, are deemed as threatening becuase they are often perceived as intellecutually superior to White men.

I hope this guy WINS and takes the company for MILLIONS!!!!

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
347 followers · 13872 posts · Server


Don't forget the anti-Chinese massacre in LA in 1871 involving the murder & lynching of around 20 Chinese and the looting of the community by (reportedly) both white and Latino men and boys.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
341 followers · 13697 posts · Server


Yes, CA reportedly imposed a "capitation" (or "head tax") on Chinese in the 1850-60's which was declared unconstitutional by the CA State Supreme Court in 1870.


I do not believe that any such tax was imposed on the Chinese at the Federal level following the adoption of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882.

Howver, there were many other discriminatory laws & ordinances passed against the Chinese in CA & SF (most, if not all, of which I believe were later ruled illegal on constitutional or other grounds.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
341 followers · 13697 posts · Server


Thanks for this info.

The "Chinese Exclusion Act" was adopted in the US in 1882 and wasn't repealed until 1943.

Didn't know that Canada also adopted a "Chinese Exclusion Act" in 1923 which it repealed in 1947.

I presume (but do not know) that the pressure to adopt the same racist law in Canada was based on influences from the US.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

@Britt Two people dear to my memory (RIP, Jan Kurahara and Lois Sato) were internees during WWII. This is shameful, and of a piece with the same executive order that put them behind barbed wire. Why are people in the affected states just sitting back and letting this happen? Is it because, due to the color of their skin and the shape of their eyes, they know they aren't affected and thus don't care? I don't get it.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
335 followers · 13032 posts · Server


Hashtagged for further distribution.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
336 followers · 12974 posts · Server


I always thought it was ironic that Kearny St was so named but it apparently was NOT named for Dennis Kearney.

"The origin of the present name, Kearny Street, is generally assumed to be Stephen Watts Kearny, the first military governor of California under U.S. rule.[3] Another possible namesake is General Philip Kearny.[4] It is sometimes erroneously assumed to be named after the (differently spelled) labor leader Denis Kearney, known for his racist anti-Chinese agitation."

However, I believe the Kearney gave some of his anti-Chinese speeches in Portsmouth Square which was previously the center of town in SF back then.


#AAPI #StopAsianHate #sf

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
336 followers · 12931 posts · Server


Hashtagged for AAPI & StopAsianHate distribution.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
335 followers · 12853 posts · Server

For those of you who missed or overlooked it, May 18th would have been the 67th birthday of Vincent Chinn, a Chinese American who was mistaken for being Japanee by 2 disgruntled white auto workers who beat Vincent to death w/o cause or provocation on 6/28/1982 and who were arrested and tried on various state/fed charges but served very little time for this blatant murder.

As the NPR article which follows points out and as we who pay attention know, Asian Americans are still being attacked and murdered w/o cause solely because they are Asian and we as Asians unfortunately must always be vigilant and prepared to prevent and rebuff such attacks.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
335 followers · 12849 posts · Server



The spread of false "MSG's to blame" stories about Chinese food is just another form of anti-Asian hate & bigotry.

In fact, MSG is found in canned soups, frozen food, chips and all kinds of processed food but people only "complain" about MSG "symptoms" when they eat Chinese food.

It's all bullsh*t!


Last updated 1 year ago

“Fascism in Florida? - DeSantis defunds equality in education and attacks inclusion… Again.

Florida's Burgermeister, Despicable Desantis signs legislation to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at state colleges and universities.  A link to Florida “Senate bill-266” is below with others regarding “Raging Ron’s” recent campaigns against personal choice.  DeSantis has been very busy undermining individual freedom in many ways.

The signing of SB-266, which prohibits public universities from using state funds for (DEI) diversity, equity and inclusion programs, seems likely to effect all marginalized groups in the Sunshine State, including the .  Will the Americans with Disabilities Act be under attack next?   Will this lead to a rash of violations of the ADA?

The LGBTQIA+ community was not excluded from Florida’s acts of exclusion.  Aside from SB-266, Desantis’ signing of Senate Bill 1580, allows “healthcare providers and insurers to deny a patient care on the basis of religious, moral, or ethical beliefs”. Considering the absence of morals or ethics with many, this is outright dangerous.
The bill also “bars Medical Boards from disciplining doctors for spreading misinformation”.   SB-1580 also opens the door for discrimination in hiring.

Will the “religious, ethical or moral beliefs” of some providers be used to exclude individuals practicing Judaism or Islam from receiving medical treatment, as well.   “Sorry, the doctor will not see you now because you are not Christian, CIS/HET, white, abled, neurotypical or a fascist“.   Is this a preview of what to expect if he is elected in 2024?

Just like an annoying infomercial,  “wait there’s more".  A 5th grade Hernando county teacher is under state investigation for showing the Disney movie Strange World to her class, because it has a gay character.  The storyline of a boy who had a crush on another boy was called “inappropriate”.  Will Florida ask Disney to stop making such movies or ask them to leave the state, citing “indoctrnation" to the “woke agenda"?

Florida's economy relys heavily on tourism.  There is no state income tax because of tourist spending and sales tax.  Perhaps defunding Florida by vacationing elsewhere is one good way to respond.   FYI, oranges are equally equal delicious and do not have that aftertaste of blatant bigotry.  Perhaps, the state may want to consider replacing the “orange” on their license plate with another food item… a loaf of white bread. 

Don't forget the ALT text.

Desantis defunds DEI:

What is SB266:

SB 266, the bill:

SB 1580, “A License to Discriminate in Healthcare":

Truthout .org on SB 1580:

Advocate .com on SB 1580:

SB 1580, the bill:

“Florida teacher investigated by DeSantis admin for showing Disney Film" (USA Today):

Disney vs DeSantis history:

Disney – DeSantis feud timeline:

Disney vs DeSantis goes to class:


#DEFUND #disabilitycommunity #california #civilrights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #endableism #endracism #lgbtqiarights #blm #womensrights #endbigotry #StopAsianHate #disability #DisabilitySolidarity #marginalizedcommunitiesunite #unityconquers #equality #inclusion #diversity #teardownthewall #desantis #florida #fascism #stophate #love4all #loveoneanother #hypochristians

Last updated 1 year ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
332 followers · 12425 posts · Server


Hashtagging this for AAPI distribution.

#AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 2 years ago

Joshua Mensah · @jpkmensah
373 followers · 2659 posts · Server

Lmao the shit turned to Niggas Did It so fast I couldn't believe it. Especially cuz it was mostly white men beating them up 😭


Last updated 2 years ago

Evil Larry · @evillarry
62 followers · 632 posts · Server


#StopAsianHate #stopasianhatecrimes

Last updated 2 years ago

MJ · @MJ
236 followers · 1580 posts · Server
BluePeony :bow_blue: · @pivoinebleue
2241 followers · 16541 posts · Server

Indiana woman who stabbed Chinese-American teen on bus charged with hate crime | South China Morning Post

>Billie R. Davis, 56, reportedly told police she attacked the young woman with a folding knife because it ‘would be one less person to blow up our country’.


Last updated 2 years ago

Evil Larry · @evillarry
58 followers · 548 posts · Server

I thought Rick Steiner was the sane one?

#stoptranshate #StopAsianHate

Last updated 2 years ago

sgt1372 · @sgt1372
310 followers · 11349 posts · Server

# Follow

Did you know that you can follow hastags on Mastodon?

I didn't until last night when I downloaded Tusky and saw the category "Followed Hashtags" under "Account Preferences."

So, I looked it up and successfully added and (two of my primary interests) as "followed hastags" to my account.

Now, any posts which include these hashtags will be included automatically in my timeline.


I assume there are others but this is the article I used as a primer to learn low to do it:

#mastodon #hashtags #AAPI #StopAsianHate

Last updated 2 years ago