Das heißt ja nicht, dass diese Verhaltensänderungen freiwillig erfolgen müssen.
These people will literally watch the world burn as long as the profits keep flowing.
Hey, while everyone is justifiably freaking out about the air quality in the US, it's a reminder that the biggest source of pollution in our cities is not cars, trucks or factories, it's wood smoke, caused by the small minority of people who have wood heaters in their houses.
Not only does it kill your neighbours, having a wood heater in your house takes about a dozen years off your familiy members' life expectancy.
The good news if you live in Victoria is there is currently a buy-back scheme offered by the state government. Might be a good chance to let your neighbourhood breathe a little easier next winter. #stopBurningStuff
After my latest spat with an @AntiEVidiots on Instagram I’ve decided to throw the towel in.
I give up.
I know my EV is wonderful and it’s the future but if other people don’t get it then it’s their loss. They’ll work it out eventually 🙄
#climateemergency #StopBurningStuff
Für einen Speicher bräuchten wir erstmal massiv mehr Erzeugung. Die Eigenverbrauchsquote wird im Sommer zwar fallen, aber es ist nicht viel Energie übrig, die gespeichert werden könnte, nachdem Auto und WP satt sind. #Photovoltaik #sektorenkopplung #eMobility #StopBurningStuff #PVbuddies
#Photovoltaik #sektorenkopplung #eMobility #StopBurningStuff #PVbuddies
"Among the key findings is evidence suggesting air pollution impacts fertility, by lowering sperm count and motility. Air pollution can also impair normal foetal development in the womb, increasing the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight and pre-term births."
"Further, the health impacts of air pollution exposure continue well into old age, increasing the risk of stroke, dementia, cancer, multiple longer-term illness ..."
#AirPollution #StopBurningStuff
#AirPollution #StopBurningStuff
Shopping at Morrisons in Anlaby, I get a petrol voucher. Morrisons are subsidising fossil fuel usage, nothing for walkers, cyclists, bus users or leccy car drivers. Not at all sustainable.
(1/x) Die Heizperiode neigt sich allmählich dem Ende und damit ist die Jungfernfahrt der #Wärmepumpe im Bestand (2004) erfolgreich verlaufen.
Vorher: Gasbrennwert (2004), 25kw Kessel, Jahresverbrauch mind. 16mwh (wären heute mind. 170€/m bei 12cent und 10€ Grundgebühr)
Jetzt: Luftwasserwärmepumpe, 8kw Nennleistung, vorauss. Wärmeverbrauch 10.5mwh m. JAZ von 3.8+, => 2.8mwh Strom (sind ca. 100€/m Strom bei 42cent)
Da ist unser PV-Anteil aber noch garnicht drin. 😎
#renewables #stopburningstuff
#warmepumpe #renewables #StopBurningStuff
Mitte März, überschaubares Wetter, Peak Ladeleistung bereits erreicht. 20A einphasig vom Dach. PV-Überschussladen mit #evcc .
11,5cent/kWh vom Dach und der Koffer verbraucht max. 16-17kwh/100km INKL. Ladeverlusten. 2€/100km
#evcc #PVbuddies #eMobility #StopBurningStuff #renewableenergy
Want to take 12 years off your familiy members life? Fire up your wood heater this winter.
Not only are wood heaters the single biggest contributor to air pollution, responsible for similar numbers of deaths as car accidents, they reduce the life of the people using them.
"Users of wood heaters were estimated to have lost 3,279 years of life between them– an average of about 12 years a person."
#stopBurningStuff https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/mar/15/air-pollution-in-nsw-causes-603-premature-deaths-and-costs-48bn-a-year-study-finds
Datensalat der Gastherme (rechts) und WP (links)
Thermische Energie (x) <> Aussentemperatur (y)
Man sieht sofort, dass die Regelverluste der Gastherme heftig sind. Bei moderaten Temperaturen viele Ausreißer, viel Energie verschwendet.
Problemstellung: wir verbrauchen mit der WP ca. 4mwh weniger thermische Energie, ich suche den Grund, und scheine mich zu nähern.
#renewableenergy #waermewende #waermepumpenOffensive #stopburningstuff
#renewableenergy #waermewende #waermepumpenoffensive #StopBurningStuff
A comment left to my #YouTube air source heat pump installation video. Light touch paper and retreat to a safe distance… 🙃
#youtube #ASHP #AirSourceHeatPump #heatpump #StopBurningStuff
This always seemed like the better C02 capture option IF it could be made to work.
+ The issue of storage remains.
+ Still not a reason to #StopBurningStuff ASAP
@helenczerski @markusl
Leccy cars tend to have heavy batteries, so their momentum would be higher. My leccy car has about 500kg more mass than the petrol version.
Of course politicians wouldn't grasp momentum in the same way they don't understand probability and hence risks, so no chance that this will ever be enacted. Let's start by #StopBurningStuff
I’ve finally finished my Nissan Ariya EV review. The video will be out on my YouTube channel tomorrow (Sunday 19 Feb) at 1pm.
You’ll be able to watch it here:
> Daft intro alert! 😁 <
#ev #electriccar #nissan #ariya #youtube #youtuber #stopburningstuff
#ev #electriccar #nissan #ariya #youtube #YouTuber #StopBurningStuff
Really sad to see Guy Martin dragged into Drax greenwashing.
Professor Kelly added that one more reason behind the increase in London’s air pollution is the increase in demand for heating amid the cold snap. He said: “That in many cases could be open fires or wood burners”.
Is Carbon Capture An Excuse To Burn More Fossil Fuels?! https://youtu.be/Tra0yeTsm1k
The answer is clearly 'Yes'. It is a Big Oil con.