Unsalted Counter-Info · @unsalted
218 followers · 19 posts · Server kolektiva.social

michigan’s national guard and the repression of the 2020 uprising

"many people infected by the u.s. left’s racial, colonial, gendered, and [dis]ableist biases act as if national military forces are different from—specifically, not as bad as—police. ... but ... elites in the imperial core who believe their positions are seriously threatened call on those same troops when the cops aren’t enough."


#StopCampGrayling #michigan #nationalguard #GeorgeFloyd

Last updated 2 years ago

alks · @alks
301 followers · 5507 posts · Server todon.eu

“Electronic Warfare” (EW) is a phrase used by Camp Grayling officials when they state what they intend to utilize the expansion area for. It’s a broad term that describes a range of military action designed to manage awareness of the battle space through control of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) and the denial of enemy access to it. Signal jamming, electronic intelligence collection, and electromagnetic and direct energy weapons all fall under the umbrella of EW.


Military, police, and private forces around the world readily acknowledge that EW is a key component of dominating the battle spaces of the future. Hidden behind their obfuscating language and industry practices is also an acknowledgement that what they mean by “battle space” is not limited to state-on-state warfare. The battle space they seek to dominate is prisons. It is borders.



For the hour, the militants talk about the ecological, social, economic and other potential impacts of expanding the military industrial complex and this counterinsurgency training ground in particular.



#StopCampGrayling #StopCopCity #copcityiseverywhere

Last updated 2 years ago

S. Trema Ezkerra · @noyovo
266 followers · 10716 posts · Server rage.love

By now lots of ppl here have heard of but probably not "camp grayling"

It's a u.s. military training facility, specifically focused on internal counterinsurgency—troops go there to practice repressing Black uprisings like those of the last decade + the 1960s, but they also train soldiers from all over the planet.

Anyway the military wants to destroy some forest to double its size, locals are against it but the u.s. is what it is so they're trying to push it forward anyway. But just like cops they suck & can be defeated if we try

, smash the empire.

#StopCopCity #StopCampGrayling

Last updated 2 years ago

Wee Bit ‘o Grit · @Morrison_Dare
224 followers · 1321 posts · Server kolektiva.social
It's Going Down · @igd_news
23315 followers · 2205 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"We will not stand by while the University of Michigan continues to support and help recruit people into the US military-industrial complex. We will not stand by while the state expands its capacity to brutally repress our communities by expanding Camp Grayling in Michigan and building Cop City in Atlanta."


#michigan #StopCampGrayling

Last updated 2 years ago

Unsalted Counter-Info · @unsalted
208 followers · 17 posts · Server kolektiva.social

University of Michigan Career Fair Disrupted Over Military Recruiters

"On Wednesday February 9, 2023, the University of Michigan welcomed a variety of military and government recruiters into its Career Fair in Ann Arbor. ... Multiple people pushed passed the registration desk carrying banners that said “Stop Camp Grayling” and chanting “No prisons, no borders, fuck your law and order” ... Another group sprayed red food coloring on the NSA and U.S. Navy displays, and were then detained for several hours while the U of M police refused to give information about their whereabouts or status to concerned friends and supporters. They were eventually released ..."


#StopCampGrayling #michigan #antimilitarism #FuckTheMilitary #anarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

Unsalted Counter Info · @unsalted
85 followers · 9 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Over 100 Trees Spiked in Opposition to Camp Grayling

"Over the past 2 weeks more than 100 trees in and around the proposed camp grayling expansion area were spiked, namely forests managed by the grayling and gaylord department of natural resources. ... To avoid worker injury we insist that all trees in Crawford, otsega, Roscommon, and kalkaska be thoroughly checked for spikes before cutting."


#StopCampGrayling #ecodefense #anarchism #treespiking #michigan #midwest #greatlakes

Last updated 2 years ago

Unsalted Counter-Info · @unsalted
167 followers · 10 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Over 100 Trees Spiked in Opposition to Camp Grayling

"Over the past 2 weeks more than 100 trees in and around the proposed camp grayling expansion area were spiked, namely forests managed by the grayling and gaylord department of natural resources. ... To avoid worker injury we insist that all trees in Crawford, otsega, Roscommon, and kalkaska be thoroughly checked for spikes before cutting."


#StopCampGrayling #ecodefense #anarchism #treespiking #michigan #midwest #greatlakes

Last updated 2 years ago

Unsalted Counter Info · @unsalted
79 followers · 7 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Flock Camera Destroyed in Welaunee in Solidarity With Camp Greyling Resistance

Originally Posted on Scenes.noblogs.org on November 30, 2022 (scenes.noblogs.org/post/2022/1)

"A few nights back, the last remaining Flock camera near south Atlanta welaunee forest perimeter was destroyed in solidarity with Camp Greyling! While we fight the proposed construction of cop city, they fight the proposed expansion of a military training facility, & one of our common enemies, ... is Flock Security cameras."


#StopCampGrayling #NoCopCity #solidarity #directaction #flock

Last updated 2 years ago

Unsalted Counter-Info · @unsalted
167 followers · 10 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Flock Camera Destroyed in Welaunee in Solidarity With Camp Greyling Resistance

Originally Posted on Scenes.noblogs.org on November 30, 2022 (scenes.noblogs.org/post/2022/1)

"A few nights back, the last remaining Flock camera near south Atlanta welaunee forest perimeter was destroyed in solidarity with Camp Greyling! While we fight the proposed construction of cop city, they fight the proposed expansion of a military training facility, & one of our common enemies, ... is Flock Security cameras."


#StopCampGrayling #NoCopCity #solidarity #directaction #flock

Last updated 2 years ago

When the guests talk about how big Camp Grayling is, it’s huge. And the planned expansion would make it enormous.

When they talk about enbridge and the oil and gas presence, do an arial view of the expansive state forests. You’ll notice an interesting checker pattern. Those are countless pump stations. That’s what state-based natural “resource” holdings are for if you somehow thought they were merely public enjoyment or conservation—they are NOT. A way the state and private folks with sizable landholdings make money in the area is by selling their mineral rights which means property owners own what’s up top and the extractive corporations own what’s beneath. They give you money and you give them access. The entire region is full of people that took the devil’s bargain of accepting the kickback but also value nature as a resource for shooting, hunting, fishing, hunting, boating, ATVs, and the like.

Logging has historically decimated the wilderness there where clearcuts and select cuts continue to this day. City people may be there admiring what can feel like pristine big woods but upon closer inspection it’s heavily managed by the state and dominated by a few large corporations. As you drive the northern expressways and see the southbound logging trucks where do you think it’s going? Who sold it? Who pockets the money? Who incurs the consequences? So, there’s a tension with the locals. But if they still get their due they’ll take the few jobs, the income, lower costs to power their homes, and tolerate the state, DNR, tourists, and seasonal fair-weather snowbirds.

The year-round residents tend to be rural poor and the seasonal homes and vacation people tend to be hyper affluent city, suburb, and exurb dwellers.

The Grayling was a fish that’s numbers collapsed due to logging fucking up the waterways. It produces soot and debris that kills life. It’s pessimistically poetic, isn’t it?

It’s the place where hate groups can swarm and attack marginalized groups but if there’s the sound of breaking glass at a justice protest the Guard rushes in to push black people around.

Camp Grayling embodies everything that is terrible about the military industrial complex, corporations, environmental degradation, racism, and countless overlapping oppressions it will make your head spin.



Last updated 2 years ago

Anarchism News · @anarchismhub
5189 followers · 21004 posts · Server todon.nl

Earth First: ** Protesters Hang Banner, Light Fireworks At DNR Director’s Home**

"from It’s Going Down The following action report was originally published by Stop Camp Grayling on social media. For more background on this struggle, see this zine here. Forest defenders descended on Department of Natural Resources (DNR) director Dan Eichenger’s home last week to demand […]"


#bot #Anarchism #StopCampGrayling

Last updated 2 years ago

· @anarchistfederation
51 followers · 2397 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info
Anarchist Federation · @AnarchistFederation
2104 followers · 6436 posts · Server kolektiva.social
mu · @mu
82 followers · 1449 posts · Server ni.hil.ist

Somebody defaced a few cop cars in so-called Michigan. scenes.noblogs.org/post/2022/1


Last updated 2 years ago

mu · @mu
82 followers · 1449 posts · Server ni.hil.ist

Michigan's National Guard wants to take over forested land larger than the size of Chicago in order to train military and police forces from around the world.

Camp Grayling (largest national guard training base in the US at 148,000 acres) in Crawford county, MI, is looking to more than double its size by leasing 162,000 acres of public-use state forest for training against "new threats such as space and cyber warfare."

Various local orgs came out against it, citing the environmental risks, lack of transparency and accountability, and Camp Grayling's history of knowingly contaminating Lake Margarethe and Crawford's broader ecosystem.

More info: 9and10news.com/2022/08/12/dnr-

Let's not let them turn the world into a wasteland of launchpads and office space. Land back.

CALL TO ACTION! This Monday, Sept 19th, we’re flooding Gov Gretchen Whitmer and DNR Director Dan Eichinger with calls to STOP CAMP GRAYLING!

These two people have the legal power to stop the Grayling expansion project where it stands and protect two major riverways.

The pictures below have the contact info.

For updates, you can follow nitter.it/GraylingCamp.


Last updated 2 years ago