Adding important threads and articles on EVM issues here for east visibility & rting
First EVM discrepancies thread which has definitive evidence to show the fraud that EVM elections are
RT @unnikts
Important articles on EVM discrepancies and issues. The articles have definitive evidence to show why Current EVM VVPAT Elections is a sham. - Thread
Can We Trust EVMs? MP…
#StopDeletingVoters #BoycottEVMelections #PaperBallotsorVVPATasVote
Even after Rejection of VVPAT audit demand, compromised EC, Pegasus, Tekfog etc people are still not sure about who are voting for the BJP.
RT @news24tvchannel
'इन्हें (BJP) वोट करके पता नहीं कौन जीताकर लाया, जनता तो नहीं लाई होगी' :
पेट्रोल-डीज़ल के दाम बढ़ने पर जया बच्चन
#EveryVoteMustCount #BoycottEVMelections #BringBackPaperBallot #StopDeletingVoters