Today it is Keith LaMar's 54th birthday: read the newsletter by his support organization here, and plz donate to his legal fund.
Our Final Year to Fight for Keith LaMar
Sign the petition:
#deathrow #Ohio #innocent #KeithLaMar #BomaniShakur #stopexecutions
#StopExecutions #BomaniShakur #KeithLaMar #innocent #ohio #deathrow
Today it is Keith LaMar's 54th birthday: read the newsletter by his support organization here, and plz donate to his legal fund.
Our Final Year to Fight for Keith LaMar
Sign the petition:
#deathrow #Ohio #innocent #KeithLaMar #BomaniShakur #stopexecutions
#StopExecutions #BomaniShakur #KeithLaMar #innocent #ohio #deathrow
Nous soutenons le peuple iranien. Les exécutions doivent cesser!
L'UE doit prendre des mesures fortes et effectives pour que la pression diplomatique soit efficace.
#FemmeVieLiberte #IranRevolution #StopExecutions
RT @acb_eu: Impressionnante manifestation d'Iraniens à Strasbourg. Venus de plusieurs pays d'Europe, ils demandent un renforcement des sanctions européennes (le Parlement UE est en plénière) contre le régime, notamment le classement des Gardiens de la…
#femmeVieLiberte #IranRevolution #StopExecutions
Da un mese stanno impiccando dei ragazzi colpevoli di aver manifestato pacificamente, di aver scritto una canzone.
Come si può restare in silenzio?
#saytheirnames #SayTheirNames #stopexecutions #StopExecutionsInIran #womenlifefreedom #donnavitaliberta #iran #MahsaAmini
#stopexecutionsiniran #saytheirnames #StopExecutions #WomenLifeFreedom #donnavitaliberta #iran #MahsaAmini
#iranrevolution #Afghanistan #stopexecutions #saytheirnames #standforthem #womenlifefreedom
Iran’s and Afghanistan's Brave Girls and Women Deserve the World’s Support
#IranRevolution #afghanistan #StopExecutions #saytheirnames #standforthem #WomenLifeFreedom
RT bedankt voor de ontmoeting! Het leven van #Mohammad_Mehdi_Karami is in gevaar.Regime in #Iran vindt dat hij dood verdient om zijn wens vrijheid. Help de executie te voorkomen!#stopexecutions #MahsaAmini
#mahsaamini #StopExecutions #iran #mohammad_mehdi_karami
RT @omid9: Fears rising they plan to execute #MohammadMehdiKarami
this morning in a public arena.’ Messages received from Nazarabad region of #Karaj indicating deployment of security forces in the main squares meaning they’re preparing for it. @Twitter let’s get to work. #StopExecutions
#MohammadMehdiKarami #Karaj #StopExecutions
Vidéo réalisée par un artiste en Iran, accompagnée de ses mots: "La mort se tait quand la victime parle sur sa tête." #MahsaAmini #StopExecutions
#MahsaAmini #StopExecutions #مهسا_امینی #زندانیان_سیاسی_را_آزاد_کنید
#RichardMoore is set to executed in #SouthCarolina on April 29, by #ElectricChair or #FiringSquad. #StopExecutions!
#StopExecutions #firingsquad #electricchair #southcarolina #RichardMoore
#Todesstrafe ist für manche Straftaten schon ok, sagt euer Onkel immer beim Familienfest? Gute Argumente warum die Todesstrafe immer falsch ist gibts am 1.3. bei unserem Online-Workshop:
#StopExecutions #TodesstrafeAbschaffen #AbolishTheDeathPenalty
#todesstrafe #StopExecutions #TodesstrafeAbschaffen #AbolishTheDeathPenalty