"Molti dei prigionieri messi a morte appartenevano alla minoranza emarginata dei #baluci.
Oltre che per reati di droga e per omicidio la magistratura iraniana sta accelerando anche le esecuzioni degli oppositori politici."
#NOpenaMorte #Iran #22maggio #NOdeathPenalty #StopExecutionsInIran
#baluci #NoPenaMorte #iran #22maggio #nodeathpenalty #StopExecutionsInIran
#Iran: Drei weitere Hinrichtungen (zwei neue Todesurteile gerade bestätigt!) entflammen eine neue Protestwelle - „zweite Welle“ der #IranRevoIution? - wann folgen wirksame weltweite Proteste? #StopExecutionsInIran! https://www.labournet.de/?p=204393
#StopExecutionsInIran #IranRevoIution #iran
Am Donnerstag, 25. Mai, 19 Uhr hält Matthias Küntzel in Stuttgart einen Vortrag zum Thema "Antisemitismus und Atomwaffen. Über die Gefährlichkeit des iranischen Regimes"
#Iran #IranRevolution #IRGCTerrorists #WomenLifeFreedom #StopExecutionsInIran #Azadi #Politik #Gesellschaft #jinjiyanazadi #mahsaamini
#iran #IranRevolution #irgcterrorists #WomenLifeFreedom #StopExecutionsInIran #azadi #politik #Gesellschaft #jinjiyanazadi #mahsaamini
Am Sonntag, 21. Mai, 11 Uhr hält Stephan Grigat in der Seidlvilla (München) einen Vortrag zum Thema: "Ajatollahs, Antisemitismus & Atomprogramm. Die Protestbewegung und die deutsche Iran-Politik"
#Iran #IranRevolution #IRGCTerrorists #WomenLifeFreedom #StopExecutionsInIran #Azadi #Politik #Gesellschaft #jinjiyanazadi #mahsaamini
#iran #IranRevolution #irgcterrorists #WomenLifeFreedom #StopExecutionsInIran #azadi #politik #Gesellschaft #jinjiyanazadi #mahsaamini
Die Iran-Aktivistin Shoura Hashemi (Wien) schreibt auf Twitter:
"Trotz der vielen Hinrichtungen in den letzten Tagen sind die Belutschen heute wieder auf der Straße. 'Basiji, ihr seid unser IS' Zahedan, 5. Mai."
#Iran #IranRevolution #IRGCTerrorists #jinjiyanazadi #WomenLifeFreedom #mahsaamini #mahsa_amini #JinaAmini #Jina_Amini #StopExecutionsInIran
#iran #IranRevolution #irgcterrorists #jinjiyanazadi #WomenLifeFreedom #mahsaamini #mahsa_amini #JinaAmini #jina_amini #StopExecutionsInIran #زن_زندگی_آزادی #ژن_ژیان_ئازادی
RT @HawarHelp
Heute ist #JamshidSharmahd s Geburtstag. Der deutsch-iranische Staatsbürger wurde im Februar von der Islamischen Republik zum Tode verurteilt. Er wurde gefoltert und ihm wurde trotz seiner Parkinsonerkrankung medizinische Versorgung versagt. #FreeSharmahd #StopExecutionsInIran
#jamshidsharmahd #freesharmahd #StopExecutionsInIran
RT @max_lucks
Das Todesurteil gegen den Deutsch-Iraner #JamshidSharmahd muss und wird auf unseren maximalen Protest stoßen. Die skrupellosen Todesurteile des Regimes sind nichts anderes als staatlicher Terror. #freejamshidsharmahd #StopExecutionsInIran
#jamshidsharmahd #FreeJamshidSharmahd #StopExecutionsInIran
Abdanan locals attacked a number of stores belonging to regime agents & operatives
Tehran family members of death row inmates rallied outside regime's judiciary building demanding an immediate halt to the execution of their loved ones
#IranRevolution #StopExecutionsInIran #iran
RT @CarolineLucas@twitter.com
Encouraging to hear that #ElhamModaressi, a young Iranian woman unjustly imprisoned by the regime has been released on bail. But we mustn't let up - the false charges against her & all political prisoners in Iran must be dropped immediately
#StopExecutionsInIran #WomanLifeFreedom
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CarolineLucas/status/1617791049534955523
#WomanLifeFreedom #StopExecutionsInIran #elhammodaressi
RT @MetzTilly
A few days ago, I learned that my godson #MohammadHosseini had been executed.
He's 1 of more than 500 victims of Iran's violent crackdown.
@Europarl_EN demands that the IRGC be put on the terror list, to expand other sanctions and to support protesters!
#StopExecutionsInIran https://twitter.com/MetzTilly/status/1613143980899704832
#mohammadhosseini #StopExecutionsInIran
RT @CHansenEU
I am the political sponsor for Reza Arya ZADEH.
He is the father of 2 children and faces the death penalty for protesting. He was taken to solitary confinement on January 8, his execution may be imminent.
✊I stand with the people of Iran. #StopExecutionsInIran @IranmissionEU
RT @GildaSahebi@twitter.com
Zeit für "Femme, Vie, Liberté".
Gestern leuchtete der Eiffelturm für die Freiheit im Iran.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GildaSahebi/status/1615426265154215937
kambiz@persia.social - 16-year-old Hasti Hossein Panahi was beaten by #IRGCTerrorists on November 9. She has been in a coma since then and the doctors gave up hope that she would regain consciousness. This is why the people of Iran are calling the Islamic Republic the regime of child killers. This is absolutely abhorrent. It is disgusting. It is so revolting. There is no reason a child should be in this condition. #iranprotests #MahsaAmini #iranrevolution #WomanLifeFreedom #stopexecutionsiniran
#StopExecutionsInIran #WomanLifeFreedom #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini #iranprotests #irgcterrorists
RT @ICHRI@twitter.com
Saeid Yaghoubi Kordsofla is another street protester sentenced to death in Iran without due process.
In his brief trial, in which he was denied access to proper counsel, he rejected the charges against him.
#Mahsa_Amini #StopExecutionsinIran
#mahsa_amini #StopExecutionsInIran #مهسا_امینی #سعید_یعقوبی_کردسفلی
@BBC A throughly sickening act by a deplorable government. Maybe the headline should read: “Alireza Akbari: Iran executes British-Iranian dual national and brave supporters of courageous women who dare to wear their headscarves incorrectly.”
#iran #StopExecutionsInIran
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
The Islamic Republic has sentenced #MajidKazemi to death. Majid was tortured into making the false confessions that resulted in his death sentence. His life is in danger.
Say his name.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1614064914892562436
#StopExecutionsInIran #MahsaAmini #MajidKazemi
#IRGCterrorists #StopExecutionsInIran
RT @MaryBanihashemi@twitter.com
بر اساس اعلام کفیل #سامان_یاسین ، حکم اعدام این عزیزمون لغو شده.
اگر منابع خبری داخلی موثق دارید لطفا اطلاع بدید.
#IranRevolution https://twitter.com/carloskaspermdb/status/1613522899213623297
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaryBanihashemi/status/1613533646958497792
#iranrevolution #مهسا_امينی #سامان_یاسین #StopExecutionsInIran #irgcterrorists
RT @IHRights@twitter.com
#Iran: Baluch Mohammad Rasoul Shehbakhsh and a man only identified as Akhtar Mohammad (surname unknown), were secretly executed for drug-related charges in Kerman Central Prison on January 8. Per IHRNGO sources, Rasoul was arrested after⬇️
#nodeathpenalty #StopExecutionsInIran #iran