I ett halvår har Sverige sagt sig stödja Ukraina men mördargasen fortsätter att flöda in i Sverige. Snacka kan ni men det är vi på Greenpeace som måste agera för ni skiter i Ukraina & folkviljan.
RT @greenpeaceSE: BREAKING: Activists stop Russian Fossil Gas from entering Sweden. Demand @SwedishPM stops flow of russian fossils #StopFuellingWar #ukraine #fossilgas https://www.greenpeace.org/sweden/pressmeddelanden/52547/greenpeace-a…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarlSchlyter/status/1567825591335886848
#StopFuellingWar #Ukraine #FossilGas
#Naturgy debe dejar de financiar la guerra. #StopFuellingWar Gas Fuels War
RT @ecodiya: Hey, @karlnehammer @WKogler, meet our activists standing in front of Austrian Embassy in Kyiv — ones of the millions of 🇺🇦 constantly living under threat of 🇷🇺 missiles financed by fossil fuel that Austria refuses to ban. Support ban on russian oil import into EU #StopFuellingWar
RT @GreenpeaceSuomi
Activists of @GreenpeaceSuomi & @elokapina block a Russian coal train entering port of Hanko today. We are calling for @FinGovernment railways & Operail of @EstonianGovt to STOP Russian #FossilFuels freight traffic NOW! #Ukraine can´t wait anymore. #StopFuellingWar
#fossilfuels #ukraine #StopFuellingWar
RT @BCamposPereira: @AnaMartinsGomes @antonioguterres @Bundeskanzler Stop Russian gas, oil, coal, and uranium imports NOW. Not just @Bundeskanzler, many other leaders are also addicted to energy mineral imports. Energy-junky economies are literally feeding Putin's war machine more, as energy prices soar👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnaMartinsGomes/status/1513619182990077956
RT @GreenpeaceEU
☢️ Hungary confirms a 4th! plane has delivered Russian #nuclear fuel to the EU since start of #Ukraine war, after Slovakia & Czech Republic
Flight over Belarus, Poland & Slovakia, despite EU flight ban
Nuclear trade & #Rosatom still untouched by EU sanctions
#StopFuellingWar #rosatom #ukraine #nuclear
RT @GreenpeaceEU@twitter.com
What's a Russian plane doing over Poland and the Czech Republic despite an EU flight ban?
It’s probably carrying uranium to nuclear plants in the Czech Republic
#Nuclear energy also fuels war
Time to extend EU sanctions to #Rosatom & the nuclear trade
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GreenpeaceEU/status/1509895816848330753
#nuclear #rosatom #StopFuellingWar
RT @greenpeace_de@twitter.com
Greenpeace-Aktivist:innen protestieren in der📍Ostsee gegen russische Ölimporte: 2021 zahlten europäische Länder TÄGLICH bis zu 257 Mio.€ für russisches Öl🔥. Schluss damit! Unterzeichnet unsere Petition ✍️ >> https://act.gp/3ixptzD #StopFuellingWar☮️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/greenpeace_de/status/1506565981619073028
RT @greenpeace_de@twitter.com
++JETZT++ Greenpeace-Aktivist:innen protestieren an Tanker Stamos in der Ostsee gegen Ölimporte aus Russland und fordern: Kein Geld für Putins Kriegskasse! #StopFuellingWar #PeaceNotOil
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/greenpeace_de/status/1506543320906014723
RT @greenpeacedk@twitter.com
PROTEST. Greenpeace-activists continue their wave of protests against Russian oil fuelling the war.
This time they decorated a tanker that transported oil worth around €72 million through the Baltic Sea.
Greenpeace calls on EU to ban import of Russian fossils! #StopFuellingWar
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/greenpeacedk/status/1505933056087138308