Leading medical journal, BMJ is warning of the health risks associated with UK joining the #CPTPP trade pact https://www.bmj.com/content/381/bmj-2022-073302 #StopISDS
RT @S2Brussels
Great new piece on how the destruction of #Lutzerath highlights why we must #ExitECT now from @Nielsjongerius @TNInstitute and Theresa @AHandeln among others👏👏#StopISDS https://twitter.com/openDemocracy/status/1617075988524924928
Wish 🇩🇪’s #ExitECT didn’t come with promise of ratification of #CETA + more deals:
NO new area of trade deals putting climate protection, human rights & social justice at the center of international trade possible WITHOUT #StopISDS
Deepl translation of for me the most important part of Habeck’s press statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m47OleumopY
RT @krustelkram@twitter.com
"Neither 🇪🇺 nor member states can adopt the new ECT, and they cannot remain a party to an agreement that fundamentally conflicts with EU law. The Commission is left with no choice but to propose a full EU withdrawal."
🚨@EU_Commission@twitter.com #ExitECT NOW!
#StopISDS #ClimateEmergency🚨 https://twitter.com/Mathilde_Dupre_/status/1595745052747259904
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/krustelkram/status/1595750042044096512
#ExitECT #StopISDS #ClimateEmergency
"The integrity of the #ParisAgreement is critically undermined by the #EnergyCharterTreaty. Europe and others should withdraw from this shambolic and dangerous anachronism if we are to stay within 1.5C (of global warming)."
"how about we have a radical transformation of society?"
#StopISDS #EndFossilFuelProtection
#parisagreement #energychartertreaty #ExitECT #NoECT #StopISDS #EndFossilFuelProtection
"Under European law, the EU cannot remain a party to the #EnergyCharterTreaty if the text is not modernised. If the EU rejects the modernised text, the old text remains in force and the EU must leave the treaty."
Bart-Jaap Verbeek @SOMO
https://www.somo.nl/cop27-eu-adoption-of-a-modernised-energy-charter-treaty-would-open-door-to-more-climate-chaos/ #Cop27
🚨#NoECT 🚨@EU_Commission must coordinate 🇪🇺#ExitECT NOW!
#ClimateJustice #PeopleNotProfit
Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty / Understanding what is at stake and what’s next
https://www.openexp.eu/sites/default/files/publication/files/ect_understanding_what_is_at_stake_and_whats_next.pdf @ysaheb
#energychartertreaty #COP27 #NoECT #ExitECT #climatejustice #PeopleNotProfit #StopISDS
#EnergyCharterTreaty aficionados pretend #ExitECT is the worst option:
"What they don’t say is that the new text extends protection to investments in #CarbonCapture, utilization and storage, #CCS #CCUS #hydrogen, and #ammonia, among other emerging energy technologies and products, which could hamper the ability of States to end reliance on fossil fuels."
@TimmermansEU the @EU_Commission must facilitate 🇪🇺 withdrawl NOW! #StopISDS #ECT risks harming #HumanRights https://twitter.com/ClientEarth/status/1594670462855946240?s=20&t=5MmdWfXNwabHwlB9rW8VWA
#energychartertreaty #ExitECT #carboncapture #ccs #ccus #hydrogen #ammonia #StopISDS #ECT #humanrights
Potent graphic courtesy of @krustelkram.
🔥💀Dawn of the ECT💀🔥 Comic about the #EnergyCharterTreaty is available in 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷🇩🇪 for free: https://celinekeller.com/dawn-of-the-ect
#energychartertreaty #StopISDS #NoECT
"A withdrawal from the #EnergyCharterTreaty is possible under international law and right in terms of climate policy."
Aishwarya Suresh Nair &
Lukas Schaugg @IISD
@TimmermansEU @vonderleyen we are in a #ClimateEmergency The time for a collective 🇪🇺 #ExitECT is NOW!
No more climate wrecking treaties! #StopISDS
#energychartertreaty #climateemergency #ExitECT #StopISDS
🔥 Breaking News:
"Having @Trade_EU prepare coordinated exit of #ECT is now the only sensible way forward. Should also be the core message of our plenary resolution this week. We need to free ourselves from the shackles of #ISDS and all other obstacles on the way to our #GreenDeal. #ExitECT
Bernd Lange, Chair of International Trade Department of the EU
@EU_Commission It's time for Europe 🇪🇺 to leave this climate wrecking treaty! #NoECT #StopISDS
#energychartertreaty #ECT #isds #greendeal #ExitECT #NoECT #StopISDS
🇵🇱🇪🇸🇳🇱🇸🇮🇩🇪🇱🇺 want out 🇮🇹already is + the Court of Justice of 🇪🇺 asserted that the #EnergyCharterTreaty undermines EU courts & their “right to regulate”
12 organisations @CANEurope @ciel_tweets @ClientEarthEUR @ecologistas @e3g @foeeurope
@IISD_news @PowerShift_eV @SOMO @transnationalinstitute @urgenda @VeblenInstitute count on you
@TimmermansEU to coordinate a joint #ExitECT and do what is best in the interest of 🇪🇺 unity and the #climate https://www.somo.nl/ngos-are-calling-on-eu-vice-president-frans-timmermans-to-withdraw-from-the-ect/
#EndFossilFuelProtection #StopISDS
#energychartertreaty #ExitECT #climate #EndFossilFuelProtection #StopISDS
#EnergyCharterTreaty reform was not approved by EU Member States!
+ in Sep 2021, Court of Justice of 🇪🇺 asserted that the ECT undermines the role of EU courts and their “right to regulate”. @TimmermansEU @vonderleyen
Prevent legal chaos and an EU crisis. It's time to #EndFossilFuelProtection the
@EU_Commission must #ExitECT
🚨before November 22 🚨
🔥 💀 Dawn of the ECT💀 🔥
#energychartertreaty #EndFossilFuelProtection #ExitECT #StopISDS #NoECT
Read all the details in @ysaheb's important new #ECT briefing + demand @EU_Commission to #ExitECT 🚨BEFORE Nov 22nd🚨:
🔥💀Dawn of the ECT💀🔥
Comic about the #EnergyCharterTreaty is a available in 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷🇩🇪 for free: https://celinekeller.com/dawn-of-the-ect
#ECT #ExitECT #energychartertreaty #StopISDS #NoECT
MEPs at 🇪🇺 Parliament asked the @EU_Commission to #ExitECT altogether 🚨before Nov 22🚨
+ at #COP27 350+ organizations called on governments to dismantle the unjust and dangerous #ISDS system, which jeopardizes #ClimateAction https://endfossilprotection.org/sites/default/files/2022-11/2022%2011%2015%20MEP%20on%20the%20so%20called%20agreement%20in%20principle.pdf #StopISDS #EndFossilFuelProtection
#ExitECT #COP27 #isds #climateaction #StopISDS #EndFossilFuelProtection
"EU backs #COP27 call to phase down all fossil fuels."
“To be coherent,
@EU_Commission & EU Member States should withdraw from
the #EnergyCharterTreaty
& terminate treaties with #ISDS/ICS, neutralizing survival clauses.”
#COP27 #energychartertreaty #isds #ExitECT #StopISDS #NoECT
To avoid a catastrophic ECT 'Chaos Scenario' two things have to happen:
a - @P_Fiala The Czech presidency of the EU council requests the
@EU_Commission to respect its duty of loyal cooperation with the Member States as stated in the Lisbon Treaty.
🔥💀Dawn of the ECT 💀🔥
New Briefing : Modernisation of the #EnergyCharterTreaty / Understanding what is at stake and what’s next @ysaheb
@EU_Commission Time to prepare a coordinated #ExitECT of 🇪🇺 Member States!
🚨BEFORE November 22nd🚨
#EndfossilFuelProtection #NoECT
#energychartertreaty #ExitECT #StopISDS #EndFossilFuelProtection #NoECT
🚨Before November 22nd
@EU_Commission @vonderleyen #ExitECT
"Adopting the so-called “agreement in principle” on the modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty will undermine our collective efforts towards the climate neutrality and the energy dependency of the EU.”
Members of 🇪🇺 Parliament from across the @RenewEurope @TheProgressives @GreensEFA & @Left_EU are asking the @EU_Commission to withdraw from the #EnergyCharterTreaty altogether before Nov 22nd 🚨
#ExitECT #energychartertreaty #StopISDS
"..a compromise of the 🇩🇪coalition. According to #FDP sources, the withdrawal from the ECT was a prerequisite for the ratification of CETA."
The fight goes on cause some politicians still don’t get it. #ExitECT #StopCETA #StopISDS
🔥💀Dawn of the ECT 💀🔥https://twitter.com/krustelkram/status/1591432803346182144?s=20&t=iJm6c_UCLzoujxMPAwEqYQ
#fdp #ExitECT #stopceta #StopISDS