#StopMVP #NoMVP #ClimateEmergency #EndFossilFuel #PeopleOverProfit
Joe Manchin’s a Naughty Squirrel
By Joe Troop
We don’t want the MVP
No we don’t the MVP
Dont you mess with our homes
Leave out waters alone
Shove that pipe up you b-u-t-T
Joe Manchin’s a naughty squirrel
Gets rich off the poor man’s toil
He ain’t like you and me
With his yacht in dc
Where’s he’s shackin up
With big oil
. . .
#StopMVP #nomvp #climateemergency #endfossilfuel #peopleoverprofit
No Corroded Pipelines! Join us July 20th for protests at FERC (7AM-9AM) and PHMSA (Noon) in DC! Help from afar by calling, tweeting, emailing demanding they cancel the Mountain Valley Pipeline
Am 21. Februar 2023 hat POWHR (Protect Our Water Heritage Rights) einen Online-Lehrgang veranstaltet über die Bewegung #stopcopcity und die Beziehung zu ihrem eigenen Widerstand gegen die "Mountain Valley Pipeline" von West Virginia nach Virginia. Jetzt wurde er Online gestellt:
★ Denali Nalamalapu über die Verbindungen zwischen #StopCopCity und #StopMVP
★Emily Backus über die Organisierungvon #StopCopCity vor Ort in Atlanta
★ Crystal Mello über die Vernetzung zwischen Gruppen für Umweltgerechtigkeit.
★ Russell Chisholm über verstärkte Polizeipräsenz und die Kriminalisierung von Protesten in den USA
★ Basav Sen über die weltweite Ermordung von Umweltschützer*innen
#defendewelauneeforest #defendatlforest #StopCopCity #StopMVP
The Mountain Valley Pipeline is years behind schedule and billions over budget – but, the fight isn’t over yet! Developers behind the project are still pursuing permits to build this climate disaster. Help #StopMVP today by sending comments today: https://act.priceofoil.org/sign/no-mvp-permits?akid=s129058..HET6Jb
#StopMVP Solidarity Teach-in on #StopCopCity online https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpfu2gqTItHtDjPet18sWHiY5OY2DYiGSm
I just signed an @appvoices petition: No special treatment for Mountain Valley Pipeline. Sign here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/no-special-treatment-for-mountain-valley-pipeline
#MVP #StopMVP #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Water #CleanWater #waterKeepers
#mvp #StopMVP #climatecrisis #climateemergency #water #cleanwater #waterkeepers
I just signed an @appvoices petition: Tell the Army Corps: Don’t grant MVP’s permit!. Sign here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tell-the-army-corps-dont-grant-mvps-permit
#MVP #StopMVP #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Water #CleanWater #waterKeepers
#mvp #StopMVP #climatecrisis #climateemergency #water #cleanwater #waterkeepers
The Mountain Valley Pipeline is years behind schedule and billions over budget – but, the fight isn’t over yet! Developers behind the project are still pursuing permits to build this climate disaster. Help #StopMVP today by sending comments today:
RT @NRDC@twitter.com
Unbelievable. It's *way* past time that the Mountain Valley Pipeline's construction was stopped once and for all. #StopMVP https://twitter.com/POWHR_Coalition/status/1611049616467759118
RT @CJAOurPower@twitter.com
.@ChuckSchumer@twitter.com is at it AGAIN, scheming with Joe Manchin to push Mountain Valley Pipeline approval into the Omnibus spending bill that's being negotiated in Congress THIS WEEKEND.🤬
The MVP fracked-gas pipeline would lock the US into decades of dirty energy. #StopMVP ✊🏽✊🏿✊🏾🌻 https://twitter.com/CJAOurPower/status/1604121283431915520
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CJAOurPower/status/1604125228279406594
It's useful to know that Virginia Sen. Mark Warner voted to force the construction of the Mountain Valley fracked-gas pipeline.
Tim Kaine, on the other hand, voted against it.
It's useful to know that Virginia Sen. Mark Warner voted to force the construction of the Mountain Valley fracked-gas pipeline.
Tim Kaine, on the other hand, voted against it.
Climate Justice Groups Celebrate Another Defeat of Manchin’s Dirty Deal - People vs. Fossil Fuels
For the third time environmental justice groups and legislators say no to Schumer and Manchin’s “permitting reform” and fast track approval for the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We remain alert to the reappearance of the zombie, but celebrate another win. #NoDirtyDeal #NoMVP #StopMVP #EnvironmentalJustice #FossilFreeFuture
#NoDirtyDeal #nomvp #StopMVP #environmentaljustice #FossilFreeFuture
Climate Justice Groups Celebrate Another Defeat of Manchin’s Dirty Deal - People vs. Fossil Fuels
For the third time environmental justice groups and legislators say no to Schumer and Manchin’s “permitting reform” and fast track approval for the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We remain alert to the reappearance of the zombie, but celebrate another win. #NoDirtyDeal #NoMVP #StopMVP #EnvironmentalJustice #FossilFreeFuture
#FossilFreeFuture #environmentaljustice #StopMVP #nomvp #nodirtydeal
RT @chelsearbarnes@twitter.com
This is a litmus test for Democrats, too, @SenTinaSmith@twitter.com. Frontline communities will remember how their Senators vote on this #DirtyDeal. You can't address climate change by fast-tracking fossil fuel projects, no matter how many transmission lines you build #NoMVP #StopMVP https://twitter.com/SiegelScribe/status/1603389312128663552
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chelsearbarnes/status/1603392252466049024
RT @benjamingoloff@twitter.com
The people and the zombies are out today at the U.S. Capitol to say NO ZOMBIE PIPELINE, NO ZOMBIE BILL! No #NoDirtyDeal. #StopMVP #PeoplevsZombies
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/benjamingoloff/status/1602677716557479938
#NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP #peoplevszombies
House rule vote on attaching #DirtyDeal to #NDAA tomorrow morning!
I just called my Senator, Representative, & Speaker Pelosi to urge them to block Senator Manchin’s #DirtyDeal. Please join me! Call 917-791-2257, (888) 997-5380, & (202) 225-4965 & use the script below 👇. #PeoplevsFossilFuels
“Hi, my name is ____, & I’m from ____. As your constituent I’m urging you to vote NO on any rule that would advance Senator Manchin’s dirty permitting deal. I'm deeply concerned about any legislation that would fast-track fossil fuel projects and undermine our ability to give input on new energy projects.”
#ClimateEmergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP #PeopleVsFossilFuels
#DirtyDeal #ndaa #PeopleVsFossilFuels #climateemergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP
RT @FightFossils@twitter.com
Keeping up the pressure before the New Year on @POTUS@twitter.com and Congress. Listen to the voices of the people who got you elected! #ClimateEmergency #StopMVP #NoDirtyDeal https://twitter.com/collinrees/status/1598718506765361153
#climateemergency #StopMVP #nodirtydeal
RT @FightFossils@twitter.com
We won’t give up until all backroom pipeline deals are stopped! Watch and share ⬇️ #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP https://twitter.com/powhr_coalition/status/1595055257167470592
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FightFossils/status/1595091765568364544
surprised by this good news: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/09/27/people-power-has-won-day-manchin-dirty-deal-defeated #StopMVP