RT @JCWI_UK: The govt's Borders Bill is back in the House of Lords today. This is legislation that looks to criminalise & deport refugees, making the UK one of the most anti-refugee countries in the world.
@UKHouseofLords must reject its proposals again. #StopNABB https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/borders-nationality-bill-refugees-msf-b2041671.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JackieJonesWal1/status/1510903737400836096
The government’s new Policing Bill is a brazen assault on the right to protest.
It would introduce draconian new curbs on our ability to assemble and demonstrate in England and Wales – not just because of the pandemic, but forever. One MP said the measures “would make a dictator blush”.
We need to stand up for our basic democratic rights. Sign the emergency petition today. https://act.globaljustice.org.uk/defend-right-protest.
And if you are able to get to the protest this Sat in London, details here https://twitter.com/killthebill_1/status/1481012632845004807, plus actions in other cities https://twitter.com/killthebill_1/status/1481360139307425799
#killthebill #StopNABB #refugeerights
We've reached over 125,000! Keep signing, because it helps show the govt that there is a lot of opposition to their cruel & racist bill. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/601583
Plus, now write to your MP - template here http://bid.eaction.org.uk/RingTheAlarm
#NationalityandBordersBill #StopNABB
We have to keep fighting the #NationalityandBordersBill.
Sign the petition to have Clause 9 removed (so govt can't strip someone of citizenship without warning them) https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/601583
And write to your MP https://mpacuk.org/nationality-and-borders-bill/
#StopNABB #RefugeeRights
#NationalityandBordersBill #StopNABB #refugeerights