What now @MargSchinas @YlvaJohansson ?
#Frontex or #kmitsotakis ?
#StopPushbacks #SaveLives
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Marina Rafenberg: Frontex menace de suspendre ses activités en Grèce – via @lemondefr https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2023/06/24/frontex-menace-de-suspendre-ses-activites-en-grece_6179048_3210.html#xtor=AL-32280270-%5Btwitter%5D-%5Bios%5D
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1673417652214067204
#Frontex #kmitsotakis #StopPushbacks #SaveLives
RT @AzadeLice@twitter.com
Şu anda Yunanistan'a iltica etmek isteyen babam ve annem deport edilme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıyadır. Annem ve babamin güvenli bir yere alınmalarını ve sığınma işlemlerinin başlatılması gerekiyor.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AzadeLice/status/1617406743025446912
#StopPushbacks #humanrightsviolationsgreece
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic paint on DIN-A4 paper
#kunst #malerei #dina4 #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #avertclimatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #stoppushbacks #stopfrontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #soldiers #hands #gestures #signs #watchingyou #observation #surveillance #propaganda
#kunst #malerei #DINA4 #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #avertclimatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #StopPushbacks #stopfrontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #soldiers #hands #gestures #signs #watchingyou #observation #surveillance #propaganda
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic paint on DIN-A4 paper
#kunst #malerei #dina4 #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #avertclimatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #stoppushbacks #stopfrontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #soldiers #refugees #displacement #refugeeswelcome #asylum #sanctuary #shelter #humanrights
#kunst #malerei #DINA4 #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #avertclimatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #StopPushbacks #stopfrontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #soldiers #refugees #displacement #refugeeswelcome #asylum #Sanctuary #shelter #humanrights
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic paint on DIN-A4 paper
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #stoppushbacks #frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #jetfighter #bombs #displacement #collateraldamage #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #wargames #gameofwar #soldiers #sniper #warcrimes #humanrights #lawofnations
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #StopPushbacks #Frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #jetfighter #bombs #displacement #collateraldamage #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #wargames #gameofwar #soldiers #sniper #warcrimes #humanrights #lawofnations
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic paint on DIN-A4 paper
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #stoppushbacks #frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #jetfighter #bombs #displacement #collateraldamage #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #wargames #gameofwar #soldiers #sniper #warcrimes #humanrights #lawofnations
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #StopPushbacks #Frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #jetfighter #bombs #displacement #collateraldamage #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #wargames #gameofwar #soldiers #sniper #warcrimes #humanrights #lawofnations
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic paint on DIN-A4 paper
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #stoppushbacks #frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #refugees #refugeeswelcome #boatpeople #mediterraniansea #euborder #frontex #pushbacks #displacement #asylum #sanctuary #shelter #soldier #sniper #warcrimes
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #StopPushbacks #Frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #refugees #refugeeswelcome #Boatpeople #mediterraniansea #euborder #pushbacks #displacement #asylum #Sanctuary #shelter #soldier #sniper #warcrimes
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic paint on DIN-A4 paper
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #stoppushbacks #frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #refugees #refugeeswelcome #boatpeople #mediterraniansea #euborder #frontex #pushbacks #displacement #asylum #sanctuary #shelter #soldier #sniper #warcrimes
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #StopPushbacks #Frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны #humanity #standforukraine #refugees #refugeeswelcome #Boatpeople #mediterraniansea #euborder #pushbacks #displacement #asylum #Sanctuary #shelter #soldier #sniper #warcrimes
Winter is coming, refugees try to cross the Mediterranean sea to live peacefully: Why can't we welcome them, instead of having Frontex doing illegal pushbacks? Asylum is a human right, in Germany we lack craftsmen and -women! Humankind faces the threat of a man made climate catastrophe, we urgently need to avert united now!
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #stoppushbacks #frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны
#pointofview #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #StopPushbacks #Frontex #stopwar #fckptn #нетвойны
#Migration: the lack of European action let #Greece set up a system where migrants' rights are violated, all concealed by the authorities.
We went there with my colleagues @GreensEFA @Tineke_Strik and @ErikMarquardt. This unacceptable situation must stop!
RT @socialeurope: EU must act to stop refugee pushbacks in Greece https://socialeurope.eu/eu-must-act-to-stop-refugee-pushbacks-in-greece
Lack of action has all…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1577308931680002050
#migration #Greece #StopPushbacks
Flygtninge har ret til at søge asyl - og skal ikke mødes af voldelige afvisninger ved EU's grænser!
Læs om det, #italyelections, overnormale profitter og #MashaAmini i ugens 🇪🇺-nyhedsbrev fra SF👇🏼
https://mailchi.mp/77fa580d5421/hvordan-stopper-vi-pushbacks #eudk #dkpol #dkmedier #stoppushbacks
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1574393615052324866
#italyelections #MashaAmini #eudk #dkpol #dkmedier #StopPushbacks
RT @GrupaGranica: Informację o wypychaniu przez bramki w murze posłanka @AnitaKDZG otrzymała od funkcjonariusza #SG. Potwierdzają to opowieści ofiar wywózek. #SG coraz trudniej tuszować przemoc wobec osób migrujących. @TygodnikWPROST #StopPushbacks #refugees https://www.wprost.pl/kraj/10800775/poslanka-wstawila-zdjecie-okna-zycia-w-murze-na-granicy-rzeczniczka-sg-dementuje.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaninaOchojska/status/1554492569857433605
RT @mera25_gr: 🩸Ούτε 1 ούτε 2 ούτε 3: Πλήρη καταστρατήγηση του Διεθνούς Δικαίου με 1018 (!) παράνομες επαναπροωθήσεις στο Αιγαίο από την κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη μέσα σε δύο χρόνια, αποκαλύπτει η έκθεση της @ForensicArchi που δημοσιεύτηκε σήμερα 👉 https://mera25.gr/oute-1-oute-2-oute-3-1018-paranomes-epanaproothiseis-sto-aigaio-mesa-s-dio-chronia/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SofiaSakorafa/status/1547855674381520901
RT @mera25_gr: 🔴 Επίκαιρη ερώτηση προς στον Πρωθυπουργό καταθέτει ο Γραμματέας του ΜέΡΑ25 @varoufakis_gr για την αποκάλυψη 1018 παράνομων επαναπροωθήσεων στο Αιγαίο, που αποκαλύφθηκαν σε έρευνα της @ForensicArchi που δημοσιεύτηκε σήμερα.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SofiaSakorafa/status/1547854961693773824
RT @EuroMedRights: #WorldRefugeeDay 2022
🔴8,000+ ppl returned to detention centers in #Libya
🔴At least 40,000 ppl pushed back in the #Evros region
➡️ #EU & Member States must stop the double standards in refugee protection & seriously reform #Frontex. MORE: https://euromedrights.org/publication/world-refugee-day-2022-pushbacks-frontex-and-the-eus-responsibility/
#WorldRefugeeDay #libya #Evros #EU #Frontex #StopPushbacks
RT @mera25_gr: 50 επαναπροωθήσεις προσφύγων –από αυτές που δε γίνονται!– ερευνά ο Συνήγορος του Πολίτη, αποκάλυψε στη Βουλή ο επικεφαλής του, Ανδρέας Ποττάκης. Πότε θα σταματήσουν να εγκληματούν οι ελληνικές αρχές στα σύνορά μας;
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SofiaSakorafa/status/1527702107259817985
RT @mera25_gr: 📌 Η Γιώτα Μασουρίδου, δικηγόρος και γενική γραμματέας των Ευρωπαίων Δημοκρατών Δικηγόρων, μίλησε στο 1ο Διαβουλευτικό Συνέδριο του ΜέΡΑ25 για το προσφυγικό και τις παράνομες επαναπροωθήσεις.
#προσφυγικο #StopPushBacks
#Synedrio_MeRA25 #Συνεδριο_ΜέΡΑ25
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SofiaSakorafa/status/1527618619655524352
#προσφυγικο #StopPushbacks #Synedrio_MeRA25 #Συνεδριο_ΜέΡΑ25
#Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri told MEPs he knew nothing about pushbacks.
But @LHreports reveals his involvement in at least 957 of them, recorded in Frontex's own database.
#StopPushbacks #HumanRights via @katymfallon
RT @sirarego: Mientras el señor Leggeri venía al Parlamento Europeo a decirnos que no sabía nada de devoluciones en caliente, en la propia base de datos de #Frontex se iba registrando su implicación en al…
#Frontex #StopPushbacks #humanrights