This is why 34 human and digital rights organisations call on Members of the European Parliament to ban #CookieBanners and #StopStalkerAds.
#CookieBanners #StopStalkerAds
To stop illegal online ad systems from violating our privacy rights, we’ve joined forces with partners across Europe.
Watch the video now & use our tool to tell your MEPs to #StopStalkerAds
[Video embedded in original tweet]
RT from Liberties.EU | follow us (@LibertiesEU)
A big up to all digital rights defenders joining the call by @Liberties @Panopytkon @OpenRightsGroup urging members of @Europarl_EN to ban #CookieBanners & #StopStalkerAds /5
#CookieBanners #StopStalkerAds
🚨🚨🚨Watch the video + Take Action🚨🚨🚨
On this #GDPR day, we’ve joined forces with partners across Europe to stop illegal online ad systems from violating our privacy rights.
Watch the video now & use our tool to tell your MEPs to #StopStalkerAds 👉
[Video embedded in original tweet]
EDRi (@edri): "⛔️Everyday online ad systems break the law by stealing our intimate personal data. To challenge this EDRi members @OpenRightsGroup, @panoptykon and human rights org @LibertiesEU created a tool so you can tell your MEPs to #StopStalkerAds! More in #EDRigram" | FDNitter –
RT @X_net_
A través de la herrramienta para twitear eurodiputadxs les pedimos que se prohíba el perfilado y seguimiento masivo en los anuncios comerciales o polítcos #StopStalkerAds, como ya informamos en carta firmada con @LibertiesEU @OpenRightsGroup y @panoptykon
Spread the word #StopStalkerAds
EU citizen? GDPR enforcement has many loopholes that @OpenRightsGroup is hoping to close. Join the #StopStalkerAds campaign to:
• Make it clear that online tracking is never allowed w/out consent
• Ban cookie walls
• Put users in control of their data
Original tweet :
- #StopStalkerAds: adtech is watching you!
#StopStalkerAds #omn #openrightsgroup #openrights #bot