@BigSkyRider I know 7 people who have tested positive this week. Some mild symptoms, some no symptoms. 5/7 are vaxxed. One is a baby (otherwise healthy) who has flu symptoms and her poor mother is freaking out. #stoptesting
Ik wens alle bedrijven die hieraan mee doen faillissement toe!
#StopTesting #TestenVoorToegang #qr #wakeup
I tried multiple times to warn my family and friends in Australia. I told them several times that what I was experiencing in Europe last winter was coming there for them, and worse.
I am gobsmacked at just how much worse it is! More so, I am gobsmacked at just how fucking weak my Australian brothers & sisters are!
Stop complying you tools!
Stop testing!
#StopTesting #StopComplying #australia #wakeup
It continues because the mass complies.
#wakeup #melbourne #lockdowns #StopTesting
If you are "vaccinating" your kids for this seasonal flu that poses zero threat to children, you're a fucking monster!
#ProtectTheKids #StopTesting #wakeup #childabuse
Een 'Must See' voor ieder NLer.
Who is running shit?
What's going on?
Start here...
#WakeUp #StopTesting #TheMoreYouKnow
#wakeup #StopTesting #themoreyouknow
The Mouth of Sauron telling you to dismiss what your eyes see & ears hear as false.
Only their word is worthy! They decide what is truth!
Tell this people to fuck off!
#wakeup #StopTesting #MouthoOfSauron #ministryoftruth
Time for the masses to start pushing back! Hard!
#pushback #riseup #StopComplying #StopTesting #davidicke
Well, this is weird. Nano tech in the swabs? Wouldn't surprise me at all!
#swabs #tests #StopTesting #StopComplying #endlockdowns #NoMasks #nanotech
#EndLockdowns #NoMasks #nanotech #swabs #tests #StopTesting #StopComplying
The Dutch will get this one.
A certain coke addicted minister that is trying really hard to kill people with an experimental vaccine
#hugodejongekanniks #NoVaccineForMe #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #StopTesting #CivilDisobedience
#civildisobedience #hugodejongekanniks #novaccineforme #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #StopTesting
Why is Israel so fucked up right now?
This maybe...
#israel #vaccine #novaccineforme #StopTesting
It's already too late I'm afraid.
#StopTesting #davidicke #thecabal #stoplockdowns
'Lost everything,
lost his business,
deeper into debt,
all due to lockdowns'
#StopdeLockdown #StopTesting #EndLockdowns #TheGreatResist
100% waar! / true!
"Lost everything
everything taken
kids committing suicide
thanks to lockdowns"
#StopdeLockdown #StopTesting #poster #EndLockdowns
This has never been about your health!
#EndLockdowns #civildisobedience #StopTesting
When are YOU going to say "NO"?
No more masks, no more lockdowns, no more obedience!
Our compliance is fucking everything!
#sayno #no #StopTesting #nomore #davidicke #EndLockdowns
Alleen samen kunnen we de media propaganda overwinnen
#Dutch #Rijskoverheid #endlockdowns #civildisobedience #StopTesting
#Rijskoverheid #EndLockdowns #civildisobedience #StopTesting #dutch