When #Sunak and #Braverman and the like said they were going to #StopTheBoats, they didn't tell you it was the ferries taking your children to France that they would stop!
#StopTheBoats #braverman #Sunak
#borisJohnson still pushing the division between Britain and the EU. Who does he work for? Russian friends are spies, frequents Russia with his Russian mate. ??#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToryLiars #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #Corruption #ToryCorruption #inflation #bbc #nhs #news #braverman #immigration #SuellaBraverman #stoptheboats #partygate #suella #covid #costofliving #BorisJohnson #Labour #johnson #boris #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #borislies #boristheliar
#Boristheliar #borislies #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #boris #johnson #labour #costofliving #COVID #suella #PartyGate #StopTheBoats #SuellaBraverman #immigration #Braverman #news #nhs #bbc #inflation #ToryCorruption #corruption #ukpolitics #politics #ToryScum #toriesout #ToryLiars #tories #tory #torylies #brexit #borisjohnson
Kenan Malik: “A striking aspect of the debate over his tweet ... is that defenders of the policy seem to imagine that Lineker’s ... words are more disturbing than the policy he was criticising. It reveals how far the moral dial has slipped, that so many are willing to countenance ... the mass detention and deportation of people ... to countries to which none of them have been, or want to go, and the effective shutting down of asylum possibilities.”
RT @CounsellingSam
But, but, but, #StopTheBoats
Come on, @YvetteCooperMP, this is the Real Story.
More than 1,500 UK police officers accused of violence against women in six months https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/mar/14/more-than-1500-uk-police-officers-accused-of-violence-against-women-in-six-months?CMP=share_btn_tw
RT @CounsellingSam
But, but, but, #StopTheBoats
Come on, @YvetteCooperMP, this is the Real Story.
More than 1,500 UK police officers accused of violence against women in six months https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/mar/14/more-than-1500-uk-police-officers-accused-of-violence-against-women-in-six-months?CMP=share_btn_tw
#StopTheBoats by having safe and legal means for refugees from all backgrounds to come to the UK. It ain’t rocket science.
The Stop The Boats so-called "plan" isn't a plan—it's a tactic. Its purpose is to distract from complete, 360° policy failure.
Britain is now poorer, weaker, more divided & more isolated—we're invited to blame refugees, not the people in charge—the Tories.
They're literally not trying to govern well, because they have other objectives in mind.
Their insight is that they can mobilise voters who are angry. So their objective is policy failure, to make people angry! #ToryCorruption #StopTheBoats
The #Tories #StopTheBoats thing is really just a massive dead cat to distract from absolutely every other aspect of life in which they have completely failed the UK.
Raw sewage in rivers and seas
Increasing poverty
Broken food system
Strike action across multiple sectors
Cost of existing
Corruption, nepotism, cronyism
Covid pandemic failings
PPE scandals
Their only idea is a(nother) 3-word slogan to stir hate.
That's it.
No intelligence, compassion, ideas, ability, sense, logic or reason.
Are these the boats Rishi's talking about? No? Well they should be.
#EllaBaron #EBaronCartoons My #cartoon for Wednesday's @Guardian #Braverman #IllegalMigrationBill #StopTheBoats #RefugeesWelcome
#alt #Alttext
#alttext #alt #cartoon #refugeeswelcome #StopTheBoats #illegalmigrationbill #braverman #ebaroncartoons #ellabaron
In today’s Daily Mail Suella Braverman writes that ‘billions’ of displaced people are likely to ‘come here if possible’. Assuming she means 2 billion, that’s a quarter of the population of the Earth. It’s inflammatory right wing, racist rubbish. #StopTheBoats #projectfear
Who is standing behind that flag? I see blue trousers and flat black shoes! Who is it, Enoch Powell, little Tommy 10 names, Fartage. Who is the phantom #StopTheBoats prompter?
RT @Bonn1eGreer
#ToriesOut...and quickly. https://twitter.com/TheLastPersont2/status/1633186285073358848
#StopTheBoats! Yes of course. We all agree about that.
By opening up more safe & legal routes for #Refugees & #AsylumSeekers wanting to come to the UK.
And not by criminalising those who are already victims - of oppressive regimes & unscrupulous people-traffickers.
#asylumseekers #refugees #StopTheBoats
RT @TetKofi@twitter.com
#StopTheBoats says the PM in first speech of the year, but I think the UK population and most of my Tory friends understand that a #dogwhistle to catch votes is always unpleasant regardless of the ethnicity of the person blowing it.