@davidho we wouldn’t need #treeplanting if we didn’t cut down #forests in the first place: forests & ancient #woods naturally regenerate, thank you very much. As for the weakling shit dried-up branches #reforestation projects brandish as actual #trees, surprise surprise, HALF die within 5 years and those that survive are earmarked for #timber. There is actually NO measured goal of tree survival or number of mature trees in those projects. #stopthebullshit #greenwashing https://ig.ft.com/one-trillion-trees/
#treeplanting #forests #woods #reforestation #trees #timber #StopTheBullshit #greenwashing
Let's get real social scientists, if we truly want to transform the world into better place for all we cannot buy into oppressive sociopolitical formations that seek to use our scholarly and intellectual zest to sustain itself. #StopTheBullshit #academic #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #academic #StopTheBullshit
Let's get real social scientists, if we truly want to transform the world into better place for all we cannot buy into oppressive sociopolitical formations that seek to use our scholarly and intellectual zest to sustain itself. #StopTheBullshit #academic #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #academic #StopTheBullshit
Ma invece di buttare tempo, lavoro e soldi per installare un cartello *Strada pericolosa. Vai piano, guida con prudenza. Buche come crateri*, aggiusta direttamente 'sta cazzo di strada minata una volta per tutte!
Risparmi un inutile cartello e anche il nostro gran giramento di cazzo. ☠️ 🔥 ☠️
À regarder ! Quand est-ce que l'on va sortir de l'illusion d'une énergie renouvelable et s'attaquer au vrai problème, celui de notre mode de vie ?! #StopTheBullshit #LessIsMore https://youtu.be/Zk11vI-7czE
Ces entreprises qui mettent en avant leurs "valeurs" alors que la vérité est tout autre... Elles en ont que pour l'argent... @Sonos@twitter.com Pratiques à vomir. Heureusement que certains prennent le temps de les dénoncer. #StopTheBullshit