@AJEnglish Important news story somehow omits need for concerted action to reduce #globalheating - #Stoptheharm #journalism
#globalheating #StopTheHarm #journalism
Lawsuit against #FossilCapital in Oregon, USA: "...intentionally deceived the public about the dangers of burning their products for decades. It said the companies and trade groups must now help pay for past and future harms..." #StopTheHarm
Dozens dead as heavy rains hit Pakistan https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/10/dozens-dead-as-heavy-rains-hit-pakistan
#ClimateEmergency #StopTheHarm
#climateemergency #StopTheHarm
@reuters - please note that consumption-based emissions per person in USA are TEN TIMES that of India #StopTheHarm #CarbonNumeracy #ClimateBreakdown
#StopTheHarm #carbonnumeracy #climatebreakdown
TFW someone from a country where average consumption-based emissions per person are TEN times higher than in your own, explains your need for 'resilience' #stoptheharm #ClimateBreakdown
#StopTheHarm #climatebreakdown
RT @Leonie61359764
Die Belastbarkeit bei #MECFS lässt sich NICHT durch Training steigern. Die Belastbarkeit bei #MECFS lässt sich NICHT durch Training steigern. Die Belastbarkeit bei #MECFS lässt sich NICHT durch Training steigern. Nein, auch nicht in kleinen Schritten #StopTheHarm #MEAwarenessHour
#mecfs #StopTheHarm #MEawarenesshour
RT @julimaelle@twitter.com
Bitte unterstützt & teilt fleißig die Aktion von #Millionsmissing zur Abwendung weiteren Schadens von Menschen mit ME/CFS.
Der "Sport und Psychotherapie werden es richten"-Irrweg für eine Autoimmunerkrankung muss ein Ende haben.
#StopTheHarm https://twitter.com/MMissingGermany/status/1603057077907226626
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/julimaelle/status/1603134343211372545
#MEawarenesshour #millionsmissing #StopTheHarm
RT @XrSouthEastUK@twitter.com
“Opening a coal mine in #Cumbria is investing in 1850s technology, and does not look forward to the 2030s low carbon local energy future”
It’s the 21st century @michaelgove@twitter.com @luhc@twitter.com it’s time to #StopTheHarm and #CutTheTiesToFossilFuels
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/XrSouthEastUK/status/1600974130081193985
#cumbria #StopTheHarm #cutthetiestofossilfuels
RT @Redjont@twitter.com
Why scientists are using the word scary over the climate crisis @royalsociety@twitter.com @BAS_News@twitter.com @RHarrabin@twitter.com @hancloke@twitter.com @piersforster@twitter.com @XRebellionUK@twitter.com @GreenpeaceUK@twitter.com @JustStop_Oil@twitter.com @extinctionreb20@twitter.com @xr_cymru@twitter.com
#StopTheHarm #ActNow #RebelForLife #ClimateJustice
#StopTheHarm #actnow #rebelforlife #ClimateJustice
RT @Redjont@twitter.com
Addressing climate change will not “save the planet”
@cketchamwild@twitter.com @Greenpeace@twitter.com @TheGreenParty@twitter.com @XRebellionUK@twitter.com @extinctionreb20@twitter.com @xr_cymru@twitter.com
https://theintercept.com/2022/12/03/climate-biodiversity-green-energy/ by @cketchamwild@twitter.com
#StopTheHarm #StopEcocide #RebelForLife #ActNow
#StopTheHarm #stopecocide #rebelforlife #actnow