#war #US #business #contracts #bribery #corruption #revolvingdoor #globalmurder #bloodmoney #stopwars #stopthekilling
#war #us #business #contracts #bribery #corruption #revolvingdoor #globalmurder #bloodmoney #StopWars #StopTheKilling
"I spent a month in that cellar"
#StopWars #StopTheKilling #freehumanity
Findet sich vielleicht ein Bundesland, das den bayerischen Fischottern #Asyl gewähren würde?
Morgen ist #WeltOtterTag und
#Söder will geschützte, bayerische Fischotter abschießen lassen. Alles für ein paar Wählerstimmen. Es ist einfach unfassbar!
: :blobcatno:
#stopdiecsu #StopTheKilling #bayern #Soder #WeltOtterTag #asyl
Time to move to Colorado!!!
"Colorado governor signs four gun bills into law in a historic change to the state’s firearm regulations" - The Colorado Sun
https://coloradosun.com/2023/04/28/colorado-governor-signs-four-gun-bills-into-law-erpo-age-red-flag/ #guns #gunsafety #stopthekilling
#guns #GunSafety #StopTheKilling
RT @MizzDtoU
Can't the US just NOT give an #Apartheid regime the money to do this?
US Congresswoman Cori Bush has slammed the latest Israeli assault on Palestinian worshippers, saying: "It’s time we stop funding Israeli apartheid."
#apartheid #SanctionsNow #StopTheKilling
RT @MizzDtoU
Can't the US just NOT give an #Apartheid regime the money to do this?
US Congresswoman Cori Bush has slammed the latest Israeli assault on Palestinian worshippers, saying: "It’s time we stop funding Israeli apartheid."
#apartheid #SanctionsNow #StopTheKilling
Stop killing disabled animals - Sign the Petition! https://chng.it/dDbFjhgc
#seeanimalsasindividuals #StopTheKilling #bankillshelters
The question that begs to be asked— If enemies in the Syrian conflict are arranging merciful humanitarian aid after the devastating earthquake—Why are they unable to stop the first humanitarian crisis they created? You know, the one where they purposefully kill people?
#War #Why #Earthquake #mankind #humansuffering #StopTheKilling #Assad
#assad #StopTheKilling #humansuffering #mankind #earthquake #why #war
Abolish kill shelters - please sign and share 🙏🐾🐕
#AdoptDontShop #AdoptDontBreed #StopEuthanising #StopTheKilling #BanKillShelters
#bankillshelters #StopTheKilling #stopeuthanising #adoptdontbreed #adoptdontshop
Requiem: The Story of One Sky
An incredible performed anti-war message from one of the world's greatest living musical talents, a young Kazakhstani named Dimash Qudiabergen.
The cinematography and storytelling plumb the depths of human despair. It is his stunning voice throughout.
Content Warning: The video portrays images and acts of violence and war.
#StopTheKilling #humankind #dimash #war #peace
RT @drninaansary@twitter.com
The Islamic Republic has confirmed the death sentence of #MohammadGhobadlou He is only 22 yrs old.
He is at imminent risk of execution.
His crime: Protesting for freedom.
Please say his name. It could save his life.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drninaansary/status/1606691238962495488
#StopTheKilling #mohammadghobadlou #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution
Hubris is a one of many factors that supports mass murder because the irresponsible NRA can't admit it is morally corrupt.#fuckthenra #StopTheKilling #lgtbq #queerlivesmatters @nytimes
#fuckthenra #StopTheKilling #lgtbq #queerlivesmatters
"Schon wieder! Erneut ist eine Fußgängerin in Hamburg von einem Lkw erfasst und tödlich verletzt worden. Der Unfall geschah am Donnerstagmorgen in Hammerbrook. Es ist der dritte tragische Unfall mit Fußgängern binnen vier Wochen." #verkehrswende #mobilitätswende #StopTheKilling Mopo.de: Lkw-Fahrer erfasst Fußgängerin – tödlicher Unfall in Hamburg.
#verkehrswende #mobilitatswende #StopTheKilling
The USDA’s Wildlife Services mercilessly killed 200 animals per hour in 2021, sacrificing over 1.75 million animals’ from birds to coyotes and alligators in the name of human progress. We will continue to fight this pointless killing of animals.
#ProtectOurWildlife #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #USA #BanHunting #bantrophyhunting #StopTheKilling #AnimalActivism
#animalactivism #StopTheKilling #bantrophyhunting #banhunting #USA #seeanimalsasindividuals #protectourwildlife