Boston Mayor's Livestream Doesn't Go As Planned!!!!
#StopTheMandates #Plandemic #fakepandemic
#fakepandemic #Plandemic #StopTheMandates
Boston Mayor's Livestream Doesn't Go As Planned!!!!
#StopTheMandates #Plandemic #fakepandemic
#fakepandemic #Plandemic #StopTheMandates
Quit destroying your immune system. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is not a good thing to give yourself. Please wake up. Snap out of it. Pray. Ask Gods forgiveness and quit harming yourself. Speak up, speak out. Make a difference. Help someone else. #ShineTheLight #DarknessToLight #DefeatTheMandates #HealthFreedom #StopTheMandates #Freedom #CrimesAgainstHumanity #BodyAutonomy #MyBodyMyProperty
#MyBodyMyProperty #BodyAutonomy #crimesagainsthumanity #freedom #StopTheMandates #HealthFreedom #DefeattheMandates #DarknessToLight #ShinetheLight
CBC vs Reality. The best evidence of purposeful manipulation of reality by the msm I have ever seen. Off with their heads! Go Truckers! @adam @Johncdvorak #freedomconvoy #stopthemandates #thecoof #coof #covid19 #covid
#freedomconvoy #StopTheMandates #thecoof #coof #COVID19 #covid
Trump says he took the booster, and that no one is dying from the vaxxine.
So, who’s going to be our next president? Cuz I don’t want Trump.
Almost glad they stole the election from him. #StopTheMandates