To ensure mustangs and burros are protected from #slaughter and #abusive conditions, the BLM must abandon the cash component of this program.
Please take a moment to send a letter to the Director of the #BLM and urge them to stop the cash incentives and instead, offer a veterinary voucher to incentivize #mustang and #burro adoptions!
- American Wildhorse Campaign
#ProtectOurWildlife #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups π
#burro #mustang #blm #abusive #slaughter #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #protectourwildlife
This would allow for the continuation of the PZP fertility control program without the unnecessary removals.
Please take action now and tell the BLM you do not support its proposed action!
#HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundUps #ProtectOurWildlife π
#protectourwildlife #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters
The consequences of a removal would be dire. If this proposed action gets implemented, the strong family bands that volunteers have been tracking for years will be destroyed and the remaining #horses will be in serious jeopardy.
#HaltTheHelicopters #ProtectOurWildlife #StopTheRoundUps π
#StopTheRoundups #protectourwildlife #haltthehelicopters #horses
The #BLM has captured 916 #horses so far, and over two thousand more are in danger as the agency plans to continue its #roundups in the #AntelopeComplex.
#HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundUps #ProtectOurWildlife π
#protectourwildlife #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #antelopecomplex #roundups #horses #blm
@Alternatecelt yes, I agree. No, I would never want any animal culled, but we can slowly phase out #AnimalAg and find alternative solutions. So e.g. stop impregnating cows to give milk hence we wouldn't need to kill their male offspring. Release animals into sanctuaries, stop breeding animals, #StopTheRoundUps and let wild animals roam free and so on..
Despite irrefutable evidence, the agency continues to publicly claim that no #horses or #burros are being sent into the #slaughter pipeline as a result of this program. Take a moment to listen to #AWHC 's Investigations Manager, Amelia Perrin address this in her comments to the Advisory Board this week."
#AmericanWildhorseCampaign #StopTheRoundUps #HaltTheHelicopters #rewilding #WildHorses #ProtectOurWildlife π
#protectourwildlife #wildhorses #rewilding #haltthehelicopters #StopTheRoundups #americanwildhorsecampaign #awhc #slaughter #burros #horses
The #ranchers want to use more and more of the #PublicLand the #WildHorses and #Burros live on to graze their privately-owned #livestock since it's #subsidized by your tax dollars.
#ProtectOurWildlife #EndAnimalAg #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups π
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #endanimalag #protectourwildlife #subsidized #livestock #burros #wildhorses #publicland #ranchers
According to leading equine geneticists, in order to ensure genetic viability, no population should be reduced below 150 animals. As if that isn't bad enough, the agency is considering the use of GonaCon in these HMAs. Instead, the #BLM should use the humane and scientifically proven fertility control vaccine PZP.
We must speak out now! Please take one moment to customize and send the letter below.
#HaltTheHelicopters #ProtectOurWildlife #WildHorses #StopTheRoundUps π
#StopTheRoundups #wildhorses #protectourwildlife #haltthehelicopters #blm
#WildHorse herds are being decimated because livestock ranchers want our public lands for their own personal gain. #SaveOurWildHorses #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups #goVegan
#govegan #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #SaveOurWildHorses #wildhorse
#WildHorse herds are being decimated because livestock ranchers want our public lands for their own personal gain. #SaveOurWildHorses #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #SaveOurWildHorses #wildhorse
Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens. It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters and to #StopTheRoundUps !
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses
"Anyone who comes up against this bill would have to say they want to see wild horses killed and slaughtered. Thatβs difficult to say."
#Arizona #ProtectOurWildlife #WildHorses #StopTheRoundUps #HaltTheHelicopters
#haltthehelicopters #StopTheRoundups #wildhorses #protectourwildlife #arizona
#WildHorse herds are being decimated because #livestock ranchers want our public lands for their own personal gain.
#plantbasedfuture #govegan #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #SaveOurWildHorses #livestock #wildhorse
Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens. It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters and to #StopTheRoundUps π
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses
#Livestock operators have made millions of dollars from government contracts that pay them to roundup #WildHorses and #burros from our #PublicLands and stockpile them in miserable feedlot pens.
It is time to #HaltTheHelicopters! π
#protectourwildlife #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #publiclands #burros #wildhorses #livestock
#WildHorse herds are being decimated because #livestock ranchers want public lands for their own personal gain. π
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #SaveOurWildHorses #livestock #wildhorse
Brutal #WildHorseRoundups causing mayhem and death can be avoided! TJ Holmes shows the way for successfully managing a wild horse herd in #Colorado. π
#HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundUps
Read more:
#StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #colorado #wildhorseroundups
#WildHorse herds are being decimated because livestock ranchers want our public lands for their own personal gain. #SaveOurWildHorses #HaltTheHelicopters #StopTheRoundups #govegan
#govegan #StopTheRoundups #haltthehelicopters #SaveOurWildHorses #wildhorse
Make your voices heard to stop the eradication of #WildHorses on our public lands. Learn how:
#HaltTheHelicopters #IStandWithWildHorses #StopTheRoundUps π΄
#StopTheRoundups #istandwithwildhorses #haltthehelicopters #wildhorses