++ Medienmitteilung ++
Statement der Jugend zum neuen Rahmenabkommen der COP15 in Montréal – "Wir wollen bei den Verhandlungen über unsere Zukunft mitreden"
#StopTheSame #COP15
RT @klimaaktivistCH
Es ist draussen. Das UN Biodiversität Rahmenabkommen, für welches wir uns jetzt zwei Wochen lang Tag und Nacht an der #COP15 eingesetzt haben, ist draussen.
#cop15 #cbdcop15 #stopthesame
@GYBN_CBD @UNBiodiversity
RT @GYBN_CBD@twitter.com
🚨 With 3️⃣ days left of #COP15, there are still 7️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ brackets left in the #post2020 framework.
🗣 #YouthAtCOP15 hosted a die-in, calling on decision-makers to lift the brackets on our future.
🌏 We need to #StopTheSame and protect #biodiversity.
#cop15 #post2020 #youthatcop15 #StopTheSame #biodiversity #nomorebrackets
RT @GYBN_CBD@twitter.com
🌎Youth from around the world are calling on leaders to #StopTheSame.
🌏As #COP15 continues, we took to the streets in chilly Montreal, calling on decision-makers to adopt an equitable, rights-based #post2020 framework.
🌍Learn more about #YouthAtCOP15: https://www.gybn.org/cop15
#StopTheSame #cop15 #post2020 #youthatcop15
"Let's work together to #StopTheSame..." Powerful statement from the Global Youth #Biodiversity Network (https://www.gybn.org/) in the opening Plenary of #COP15
#StopTheSame #biodiversity #cop15
Brighter Green calls on conference leaders to protect all species from extinction by including indigenous rights, women’s rights, and the rights of local communities in a binding agreement.
#StopTheSame #COP15 @antonioguterres@twitter.com
More information: https://www.boell.de/en/2022/11/25/cbd-cop15-biodiversitys-paris-or-copenhagen
RT @mister_sahel
"Those with more knowledge and more experience are not the scientists-they are the Indigenous communities."
At the #COP15 Youth Summit, @UN SG @antonioguterres speaks to global youth about the #biodiversity crisis. @GYBN_CBD
#COP15 #biodiversity #StopTheSame #youthatcop15 #gybnburkinaatcop15
RT @GYBN_CBD@twitter.com
Official opening of #COP15 in Montreal, Canada. We are looking forward to amplifying the voice of youth to #stopthesame
RT @gybn_burkina
Notre coordinateur @mister_sahel et le chargé de Programme @ferdicombary représenteront @gybn_burkina à la COP15 Biodiversité en Déc à Montréal au Canada.
@GYBN_CBD @GYBNAfrica @UNBiodiversity @CBD_COP15
#gybnburkina #GybnBurkinaAtCOP15 #StopTheSame #CampainForNature #ForNature
#gybnburkina #gybnburkinaatcop15 #StopTheSame #campainfornature #ForNature
RT @MarieMRouyer: #COP15 of the UN Biodiversity Conference is taking place this December.
Representing the youth voices, the Global Youth Biodiversity Network @GYBN_CBD will ask decision makers and global leaders to make the new biodiversity strategy truly transormative.
#StopTheSame #YouthAtCOP15
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Plants_EFSA/status/1595092567447986176
#COP15 #StopTheSame #YouthAtCOP15