A few hashtags relating to something that still happens in far too many countries but really needs to stop, because in all its guises it is abuse, if not torture:
#ABA #BanABA #banconversiontherapy #conversionpractice #conversiontherapy #EndConversionTherapy #pbs #StopTheShock
And shocking autistic people to "train" them, which most people agree isn't even humane for an animal, is still a thing.
Emily Paige Ballow (on twitter):
Fellow New Yorkers, please write or call your state senators if you can to ask them to support Andre's Law, which would prevent us from sending any more disabled young New Yorkers to an abusive, out-of-state institution.
Please boost.
#StopTheShock #newyork #actuallyautistic
ICYMI: The Long Road to #StoptheShock https://progressive.org/latest/long-road-stop-the-shock-hartley-1223/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon - @TheProgressive
The Long Road to #StoptheShock https://progressive.org/latest/long-road-stop-the-shock-hartley-1223/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon - @TheProgressive
Advocating for autistic rights is hard because we're unpopular, and because everything is a popularity contest. Causes are popularity contests! There's only so much people can care about at one time, so it's the popular things that get the attention, and that's never us.
We have to figure it out how to escape this trap. If we don't, autistic folk will always be discounted and excluded, never be listened to or get the benefits we deserve. And meanwhile, we can't stop the Judge Rotenberg Center from torturing autistic kids with electric shocks #stoptheshock 🧵🛑
@devinsturk thank you! #StopTheShock has a special place in my heart; reading Mel Baggs (z”l) writing against the JRC and ensuing activist posts was instrumental in my development of crip/Mad consciousness.
@autism Is this sufficient to actually #StopTheShock or is it just an organization with little power advocating against it?
Still not a fan of the ABAI. I'd love to see Congress take substantive action, but we'll see.
Still excellent news, thanks for sharing! : 💙
RT @DrSubini@twitter.com
@slooterman@twitter.com THIS. And I know you know, but please highlight that the majority of kids at JRC are Black and Brown disabled youth. This is both a disability justice and racial justice issue. Often the coverage leaves out race. #StopTheShock
RT @slooterman@twitter.com
Pitching disability stories like…
Me: So there’s this school where they punish disabled kids with electric shocks for “bad” behavior. Advocates have been fighting to get the place shut down for decades, but they’ve never succeeded.
Editor: THERE’S A WHAT!?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/slooterman/status/1414937058024558594