Join Services Not Sweeps for our first rally on Wednesday, August 2nd at City Hall, 12pm-2pm! We will have speakers from the coalition and with lived experience talk about the harm caused by sweeps, and how that harm increases during times of extreme weather. Join us after to attend the Public Assets and Homelessness Committee meeting at 2pm for public comment to tell City Council you support our campaign to end encampment removals in extreme weather! Learn more about our campaign at
#ServicesNotSweepsCoalition #ServicesNotSweeps #StoptheSweeps #HousingisaHumanRight #WinterSweepBan #HumanizeHomelessness
#servicesnotsweepscoalition #servicesnotsweeps #StopTheSweeps #housingisahumanright #wintersweepban #humanizehomelessness
Some folks that my partner knows who were swept a month ago from a very lightly used semi-industrial street near us and moved themselves a block or so away at an unused lot (building torn down for future development) … were swept again from this morning. They mostly moved back to the first location. In between people lost possessions and were stressed out. Few to none were offered reasonable shelter either time. Hard not to believe cruelty is the point. #StopTheSweeps #Seattle
In case my flippant sounding paraphrase seems unfair. This is one of the actual results from a public records request Erica Barnett and Publicola did. #StopTheSweeps #Seattle
Mayor Harrell: we don’t sweep and anyway when we do sweep it’s based on objective prioritization!
Mayor Harrell’s office, on behalf of the Mariner’s, to city workers: can y’all make sure to sweep folks near the stadium so opening day is nice for housed folks?
Ugh, what a hard spot to be in. Like, sure having someone who is A Calm Adult present when they do camp sweeps is better than having it turn into an escalated situation with police present, but at the same time it is completely manipulative of Portland to want to use PSR to support the sweeps. It seems like the city would like to use PSR to maintain the status quo, but look "kind."
"So when you start to talk about the team having a presence in houseless sweeps ... or when you take away the critical life saving resources in terms of foods and tents and tarps and blankets and clothing items — when you take those away, you constrain the team's ability to do the work that the program was designed to have them do."
Seattle could easily pass a winter moratorium on sweeps which would add stability and allow folks to connect to services.
Learn more, get involved:
Take action today and reply "done" when you send the letters!
#Seattle #StopTheSweeps #SweeplessInSeattle #ServicesNotSweeps
#seattle #StopTheSweeps #sweeplessinseattle #servicesnotsweeps
The current mayor of Seattle is so condescending and out of touch. #StopTheSweeps #Seattle #Housing
#StopTheSweeps #seattle #housing
Yesterday, 20+ cops from City of Miami PD raided encampments in Overtown. 14+ were arrested/Baker Acted; we don’t know names. Others were taken to a shelter under threat of arrest
#StopTheSweeps #AbolishThePolice #HousingIsAHumanRight #SiezeAllEmptyHousing #CancelRent #MutualAid #Miami
#StopTheSweeps #abolishthepolice #housingisahumanright #siezeallemptyhousing #CancelRent #MutualAid #miami
excellent video on the brutal pace of forced displacement sweeps in the SODO industrial areas ahead of the MLB all-star game #seattle #stopthesweeps
Last week, residents of one of the encampments we support were told they will be forcibly removed. We have been through this before, so we know what to prepare for. To get ahead of the game, we are trying to raise extra funds via our Ko-Fi to help these residents rebuild. We will need donations of tarps and clothes as well as a bail fund in case of any arrests. Click on our linktree in our bio if you would like donate to either one of those funds.
The bourgeois state treats the unhoused as a nuisance. Rather than meeting the residents in order to assess what is needed to raise their standards of living to something considered humanly acceptable, instead of providing medical care, or investing in better housing that gives folks privacy, and creating safe consumption sites, or any of the numerous things that actually make sense, state representatives increase the funding of the police, throwing people in jail, with a vile disregard for human life.
Until these better systems are put into place, we will assist the folks in our community who need it. #WarmUpBoston #EncampmentSupport #SurvivalProgram #MutualAid #StopTheSweeps #SweepsAreViolence
#WarmUpBoston #encampmentsupport #SurvivalProgram #MutualAid #StopTheSweeps #SweepsAreViolence
When camp is being swept, community members are fighting off the police, and its just time to roll one. From Jan 28th 2021 Camp 210 sweep in Bellingham WA. Taken with permission. #StopTheSweeps
Anyone know a specific group or law firm working on developing suits around #MartinVBoise and camping ordinances when there are no available beds or warming shelters even? #StopTheSweeps
Earlier this week in the Ballard neighborhood of #Seattle, 3 sheriffs served an eviction against a tenant who owed several thousand dollars in back-rent going back to when COVID began. There was an exchange of gunfire that left one cop in the hospital and the tenant, a trans woman named Eucy, gone. Eucy was an involved member of the community and worked hard over the years to not only take care of herself but to also show up in solidarity for others.
There is a vigil this Friday 3/24 at 7pm in front of the Gilman Park Plaza apartments on the 800 block of NW 54th St in Ballard. I hope Seattle can come through for Eucy and pay their respects.
Evictions are state violence. All out for Eucy! All out against evictions!
#seattle #antievictionaction #StopTheSweeps #housing
Today the City of Aberdeen demolished multiple campers' homes during their so-called cleanup.
People who had built solid structures to avoid the elements this winter, a winter where the City of Aberdeen also refused a cold weather emergency shelter, had their structures demolished, and everything they couldn't haul across the train track crushed and thrown in the back of a dump truck.
Everyone was forced to remove what they could from their space and were not even provided with a spot to place their belongings out of the rain, while the City did their demolition. Luckily a local property owner stepped up and allowed people to lay out their belongings on tarps across the tracks from camp. The entire operation placed multiple people all over the dangerous train tracks themselves.
Thank you to those who came down to support, help, and protest these disgusting actions. Especially those comrades who traveled from out of town to show their support.
#Solidarity #CRMAN #MutualAid #HousingNotHandcuffs #StopTheSweeps
#solidarity #CRMAN #MutualAid #HousingNotHandcuffs #StopTheSweeps
Get yourself to the River St camp this Friday morning to help defend the camper's rights and document the City's actions, as the City comes to demolish their residences and steal their belongings.
#CRMAN #Solidarity #HousingNotHandcuffs #StopTheSweeps #MutualAidRequest
#CRMAN #solidarity #HousingNotHandcuffs #StopTheSweeps #MutualAidRequest
👉We need people to show up and help provide eyes on the City during this eviction. If you can attend Friday morning at 9 am it would mean the world to our unhoused friends and family.
📆Under the Chehalis River Bridge. Aberdeen, Wa. Friday 9AM. BE THERE. Lets show the community there that they are not alone, and show the City that we stand with the unhoused.
Paperwork was served on camp yesterday, the City of Aberdeen will be moving everyone from the lower camp and destroying the built structures, then everyone can move tents back into the area.
This is always a traumatic experience that involves a lot of chaos and loss of property for the already vulnerable population. This move is additionally cruel as it is occurring during winter, a winter in which the City denied the Cold Weather Shelter for our people. They have necessarily built themselves structures capable of withstanding the cold elements this winter, now the City will be removing them. IT SNOWED LAST WEEK Y'ALL!!
#StopTheSweeps #MutualAidRequest #HousingNotHandcuffs #CRMAN #solidarity
#StopTheSweeps #MutualAidRequest #HousingNotHandcuffs #CRMAN #solidarity
What actions are you taking this week and month around issues that you care about in your city, county and WA state?
What events coming up should other people know about?
#housing #transit #broadband #PublicBathrooms #PublicBanks #PublicLands #Politics #Elections #ProgressiveRevenue #Abolition #StopTheSweeps #EducationFunding #ClimateEmergency
How do you show up in solidarity with most impacted communities?
#housing #transit #broadband #publicbathrooms #publicbanks #publiclands #politics #elections #progressiverevenue #Abolition #StopTheSweeps #educationfunding #climateemergency
🚨 Seattle community safety alert 🚨
Vigilante threats made against people living in vehicles in West Seattle:
"We are disgusted and extremely alarmed, yet unfortunately not surprised to learn that somebody in the Puget Ridge neighborhood is threatening violence against our friends living in vehicles. They received this letter tonight, delivered anonymously by the coward who authored it.
We have been asked by our friends to help call attention to this, hoping that putting a spotlight on this will grant them some small level of protection should the author of this letter attack them or their homes. Our support for them does not end at sounding the alarm however for we are ready and willing to do whatever is required of us to keep our friends and neighbors facing these threats safe.
We call on all people of West Seattle and beyond to take a stand against these threats."
#seattle #MutualAid #StopTheSweeps
#AnarchistMemes #Antifascist #Antiracist #AntiAbuse #AntiAbuserAction #AntifascistAction #AntiracistAction #DiversityOfTactics #Tactical #NextGen #WeKeepUsSafe #MutualAid #StopTheSweeps #UnhousedOutreach #CommunityDefense #Solidarity :queeranarchy:
#anarchistmemes #antifascist #AntiRacist #antiabuse #antiabuseraction #antifascistaction #antiracistaction #diversityoftactics #tactical #NextGen #wekeepussafe #MutualAid #StopTheSweeps #unhousedoutreach #communitydefense #solidarity