@vakitamedia relaye les images de l'enquête de @Welfarm et @AWF_Germany à laquelle j'ai participée:
nous avons vu des veaux non sevrés, transportés pendant des heures, assoiffés et affamés.
RT @vakitamedia: La #gendarmerie arrête un camion avec 203 #veaux entassés à bord...
L’association @Welfarm , dans le cadre de sa campagne Terminus 2023, a enquêté sur un poste de contrôle où transitent des camions de transpor…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineRooseEU/status/1650848677722824704
#StopTheTrucks #Terminus2023 #LiveAnimalTransport #gendarmerie #veaux
RT @thomaswaitz: One week ago the @EU_Commission adopted 2 new pieces of legislation on livestock vessels as a first response to the recommendations by the @europarl_en in January 2022.
Let‘s take a closer look 🧵 #AnimalWelfare #StopTheTrucks
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1630240460450168832
RT @thomaswaitz: We stopped several #animaltransport/ers in cooperation with the Austrian & Slovenian police: Piglets from Denmark on the way to Hungary. The animals were dehydrated, vents were not working, it had 35 degrees inside & they had some smaller injuries. #BanLiveExports #StopTheTrucks
#animaltransport #BanLiveExports #StopTheTrucks
Have you ever shared the road with massive trucks packed with farmed #animals? As young as six weeks old, chickens, pigs, cows, and other animals are crammed into #trucks and sent to #slaughter. These animals are afforded shockingly few legal protections during their grueling journeys. That’s why we’re calling on the U.S. government to do better for animals—and we need your help.
#BanLiveTransports #AnimalRights 🚨
#animalrights #BanLiveTransports #EMPTYtheSHIPS #StopTheTrucks #Slaughter #trucks #animals
RT @VIERPFOTEN@twitter.com
Jedes Jahr werden unzählige sogenannte Nutztiere von Deutschland aus in weit entfernte Länder wie Algerien, Usbekistan o nach Ägypten transportiert: tage- und wochenlang, ohne Futter, Wasser und ohne Rücksicht auf das Wohl der Tiere. https://www.vier-pfoten.de/kampagnen-themen/themen/nutztiere/tiertransporte/jede-stunde-quaelt
#Aurich #StopTheTrucks
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VIERPFOTEN/status/1512721745274601475