RT @alhaq_org
Put an end to Israel's prevailing impunity and ban EU trade with settlements!
This will not end Israel's settler-colonial apartheid imposed on the Palestinian people, but it is one step towards accountability!
Sign NOW: http://www.stopsettlements.org
EU imports from illegal Israeli settlements are the economic backbone of Israel’s colonial settlement enterprise. We need 1 million EU signatures to #StopTradeWithSettlements.
Sign now!
Illegale nederzettingen in bezet gebied, zoals in Palestina, zijn een schending van internationaal recht.
Toch staat de EU nog altijd handel met hen toe. Daar moet voor eens en altijd een einde aan komen.
Teken de petitie: https://stopsettlements.org/dutch/
Mentre l'UE condanna regolarmente gli insediamenti illegali israeliani costruiti su terre palestinesi rubate, continua a commerciare con loro per favorirne l'espansione.
Firma qui per porre fine alla complicità dell'UE
Illegale nederzettingen in bezet gebied, zoals in Palestina, zijn een schending van internationaal recht.
Toch staat de EU nog altijd handel met hen toe. Daar moet voor eens en altijd een einde aan komen.
Teken de petitie: https://stopsettlements.org/dutch/ #Stoptradewithsettlements
Una mappa delle colonie israeliane illegali nei Territori Palestinesi Occupati, pubblicata da@PeaceNow
Firma contro il commercio con le colonie illegali
#apartheidisraeliana #StopTradeWithSettlements #bds
L'UE commerce avec des colonies illégales en Palestine et ailleurs. Ces colonies constituent un crime de guerre. @euroecolos@twitter.com soutien la pétition qui exige l'arrêt immédiat de ce commerce. Vous pouvez signer la pétition ici :https://stopsettlements.org/french/
RT @alhaq_org@twitter.com
EU trade w/ illegal settlements is a major enabler of their expansion. European Citizen Initiative to #StopTradeWithSettlements demands that the EU align its trade with international law. As an EU citizen, you can make a difference.Sign now confidentially: http://bit.ly/39fHuS5
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alhaq_org/status/1614931945565085696
The EU opposes annexation and considers illegal settlements in occupied territories as an obstacle to international peace and stability. But even though illegal settlements constitute a war crime, the EU allows trade with them. That trade allows for profits from annexation and contributes to the expansion of illegal settlements across the world.
We are calling for an EU law that will end trade with illegal settlements once and for all. This law will apply to occupied territories anywhere, among them the Occupied Palestine Territory and Israel’s illegal settlements there. The law will also send a powerful signal around the world that the EU will no longer reward territorial aggression with trade and profits.
Sign the petition for a historic law that stops trade with illegal settlements
Firma l'iniziativa dei cittadini europei contro il commercio con le colonie illegali.
Sostieni il movimento #BDS
#StopTradeWithSettlements #bds
Firma l'iniziativa dei cittadini europei contro il commercio con le colonie illegali.
Sostieni il movimento #BDS
#StopTradeWithSettlements #bds
Sostieni anche tu la campagna #StopTradeWithSettlements.
Firma la petizione dei/lle cittadini/e Europei/e per chiedere alla UE di vietare il commercio con gli insediamenti illegali nei territori occupati: https://bit.ly/3YeGcev
@zerocalcare #FreePalestine
#StopTradeWithSettlements #freepalestine
Dlatego dziś, w Międzynarodowy Dzień Solidarności z Narodem Palestyńskim, możesz pomóc nam osiągnąć zmianę. Podpisz Europejską Inicjatywę Obywatelską #StopTradeWithSettlements.
Fermiamo il commercio con gli insediamenti illegali: firmiama l’Appello
Noi, 49 associazioni e organizzazioni della società civile italiana, sosteniamo la campagna europea per fermare il commercio con gli insediamenti illegali. Riteniamo vergognoso che nel 2022 esista ancora la col
#Apertura #Brevi ##StopTradeWithSettlements #AssociazionediAmiciziaItalo-Palestinese
#apertura #Brevi #StopTradeWithSettlements #AssociazionediAmiciziaItalo
RT @BDSmovement@twitter.com
EU trade with Israel's illegal settlement enterprise directly funds apartheid & is detrimental to Palestinian food sovereignty.
Sign the ECI now to #StopTradeWithSettlements ➡️ https://loom.ly/NNpZkJU
Read more about Palestinian food sovereignty ➡️ https://loom.ly/9ZWN9I8
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BDSmovement/status/1597125642935586817
EU trade with Israel's illegal settlement enterprise directly funds apartheid & is detrimental to Palestinian food sovereignty.
Sign the ECI now to #StopTradeWithSettlements ➡️ https://loom.ly/NNpZkJU
Read more about Palestinian food sovereignty ➡️ https://loom.ly/9ZWN9I8
RT @bdsitalia
Il regime israeliano di apartheid continua a essere incoraggiato dall'UE attraverso il commercio con gli insediamenti illegali. Firma per fermare l'impunità di Israele! Per saperne di più e aggiungere la tua voce ORA: https://tinyurl.com/yubwenj2
#StopTradeWithSettlements - A CALL FROM UNISON IN SUPPORT OF THE ECI https://youtu.be/uFxXrgln0R8 via @YouTube@twitter.com
chi ama la PACE segue il #BDS
#StopTradeWithSettlements #BDS
Contropiano: Bloccare il commercio tra Ue e le colonie israeliane illegali.
AssopacePalestina invita a firmare per l'Iniziativa Cittadini Europei (ICE) per il blocco del commercio delle merci prodotte degli insediamenti illegali.
#pace #ucraina #pacifismo #pacifisti #NoNuke #nonviolenza #peacelink #dirittiumani #educazioneallapace #educazione #tpan #TPNW #onu #disarmo
#disarmo #onu #TPNW #TPAN #educazione #educazioneallapace #dirittiumani #PeaceLink #nonviolenza #NoNuke #pacifisti #pacifismo #ucraina #PACE #StopTradeWithSettlements