Title: "Stop Trans Genocide"

Human Prompt: a gallows on fire at night in a city. it is very dark.

#ai #aiart #trans #StopTransGenocide #anarchy #mastoart

Last updated 1 year ago

J Connelly · @jconnelly313
71 followers · 853 posts · Server kolektiva.social

In my more optimistic moments, I think the trans community should study up on the Dutch and Danish resistance movements during WWII, because those countries were relatively successful at saving their Jewish citizens and just mucking things up for the Nazis generally.

In my less optimistic moments, I think we should study up on the Bialowieza partisans and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

#transgenocide #StopTransGenocide

Last updated 2 years ago

J Connelly · @jconnelly313
70 followers · 809 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Missouri banning gender affirming care for most trans adults, and all Autistic trans adults, has me reaching for this stanza of Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach."

"Ah, love, let us be true

To one another! for the world, which seems

To lie before us like a land of dreams,

So various, so beautiful, so new,

Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;

And we are here as on a darkling plain

Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,

Where ignorant armies clash by night."

(No, I'm not in , but I have friends there. )

#missouri #StopTransGenocide #genderaffirmingcaresaveslives #transphobiakills

Last updated 2 years ago

J Connelly · @jconnelly313
63 followers · 524 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Currently experiencing a lot of guilt about not doing enough climate activism because I've been distracted by the fact that my country is in the early stages of a genocide against trans people. I can't tell whether I'm being too hard on myself or whether I'm weighing things wrong, because catastrophic climate collapse will kill more people. On the other hand, I think I'm more effective (in the sense of "better at") trans rights activism than climate/environmental justice activism.

What are we supposed to do when we're fucked so many ways?

#StopTransGenocide #climatecollapse #environmentaljustice #activistguilt

Last updated 2 years ago

J Connelly · @jconnelly313
51 followers · 448 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Come to for a march and rally to next Saturday, March 18th.

#madisonwi #protrans #StopTransGenocide

Last updated 2 years ago

J Connelly · @jconnelly313
43 followers · 337 posts · Server kolektiva.social
J Connelly · @jconnelly313
33 followers · 244 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Somebody needs to write a zine filled with self-care tips for the beginning of a genocide of which you are the intended target. I know to eat well and sleep a lot and check in on people, but how to soothe anxiety that isn't disordered? How to shut off the sirens in my head?


Last updated 2 years ago