RT @LifeIsStrange
Life is Strange: True Colors has been nominated in the #PeabodyAwards! 🥳 🏆 The prestigious @PeabodyAwards represents #StoriesThatMatter and we and @DeckNineGames are honored to be recognized as a #PeabodyNominee amongst the very best in storytelling.
#peabodynominee #StoriesThatMatter #peabodyawards
RT @kikutowne@twitter.com
It's MY FLIPPIN HONOR OF A LIFETIME to accept a Peabody award on behalf of the whole City of Ghosts team. Tell #StoriesThatMatter? Heck yeah we did! and now we got a #PeabodyAward that proves it forever! Thank you, @MonicaKPearson@twitter.com & @PeabodyAwards@twitter.com !!!
#PeabodyWinner #Grateful https://twitter.com/PeabodyAwards/status/1534933338527522816
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kikutowne/status/1534937079041253377
#grateful #PeabodyWinner #PeabodyAward #StoriesThatMatter
RT @kikutowne@twitter.com
It's MY FLIPPIN HONOR OF A LIFETIME to accept a Peabody award on behalf of the whole City of Ghosts team. Tell #StoriesThatMatter? Heck yeah we did! and now we got a #PeabodyAward that proves it forever! Thank you, @MonicaKPearson@twitter.com & @PeabodyAwards@twitter.com !!!
#PeabodyWinner #Grateful https://twitter.com/PeabodyAwards/status/1534933338527522816
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kikutowne/status/1534937079041253377
#grateful #PeabodyWinner #PeabodyAward #StoriesThatMatter
RT @PeabodyAwards@twitter.com
For its whimsical but grounded portrayal of Los Angeles, @MonicaKPearson@twitter.com presents the delightful animated mockumentary City of Ghosts with a Peabody Award. Congratulations @Netflix@twitter.com and @kikutowne@twitter.com!
#PeabodyWinner #StoriesThatMatter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PeabodyAwards/status/1534933338527522816
#StoriesThatMatter #PeabodyWinner
RT @PeabodyAwards@twitter.com
For its whimsical but grounded portrayal of Los Angeles, @MonicaKPearson@twitter.com presents the delightful animated mockumentary City of Ghosts with a Peabody Award. Congratulations @Netflix@twitter.com and @kikutowne@twitter.com!
#PeabodyWinner #StoriesThatMatter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PeabodyAwards/status/1534933338527522816
#StoriesThatMatter #PeabodyWinner
Ich bin heute bei #storiesthatmatter #beingHuman alles rund um Narrative und eben #beingHuman. Und was macht ihr heute?
#StoriesThatMatter #beinghuman
Guten Morgen zusammen 😊! Mein Tag startete mit Rechnung schreiben. Das ist doch toll, oder? Jetzt bereite ich gerade eine Präsentation für #StoriesThatMatter vor und zwar in Zusammenhang mit den #coroNarrative. Dann steht heute noch ein Website auf dem Plan und ein Termin. Was steht bei euch heute an?
#StoriesThatMatter #coroNarrative