Today's arXivsummary: by Krupnitska & Brenig. Authors show that the finite temperature second harmonic generation (2HG) allows one to probe characteristic features of two fractional quasiparticle types. 2HG susceptibility displays oscillatory spectrum set by the fermionic excitations.

#arxiv_2304_06076 #StrEl #condmat

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Chen et. al. Authors predict that under strong interaction conditions, there exist two distinct types of
constrained thermal phases in a 1D Rydberg blockade array. The first arises in the transverse field dominated regime whose energy transport is super-diffusive; the second is stabilized after adding a growing longitudinal field whose energy diffusion is ballistic.

#arxiv_2304_05553 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Zhao, La Nave, & Phillips. Authors find the Hatsugai-Kohmoto model as a stable quartic fixed point via computation of the β−function in the presence of perturbing local interactions. Agreement with Hubbard arises because both models break the Z2 symmetry on a Fermi surface.

#arxiv_2304_04787 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Misawa et. al. Authors study the dynamical spin transport in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model by applying an AC magnetic field to an edge of the system. In the Kitaev QSL phase, spin polarization at the other edge are resonantly induced in specific spin component. Resonance governed by itinerant Majorana fermions with a broad continuum excitation spectrum.

#arxiv_2304_00528 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Zhu et. al. Authors show that random, measurement-only circuits which implement the competition of bond and plaquette couplings of the Kitaev honeycomb model give rise to a structured volume-law entangled phase. Defines error thresholds for the color code in the presence of projective error and stochastic syndrome measurements.

#arxiv_2303_17627 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Chern & Castelnovo. Authors subject generic nearest-neighbor spin model of Kitaev magnets to a sufficiently strong in-plane magnetic field. Topologically trivial and nontrivial parameter regimes coexist under in-plane magnetic fields. Topological phase diagrams of the magnon bands studied.

#arxiv_2303_16222 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Popov & Tarnopolsky. Authors consider three stacked graphene monolayers with equal consecutive twist angles. In chiral limit when interlayer couplings ignored, four perfect flat bands found. At magic angles, upper and lower bands touch four exactly flat bands at Dirac point in middle of graphene layer.

#arxiv_2303_15505 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Castro et. al. Authors predict new interacting electronic orders emerging near higher-order Van Hove singularities present in the Chern bands of the Haldane model. Singularities are classified, revealing regimes of ferromagnetism, density-waves, and superconductivity. Repulsive interactions stabilize long-sought PDW state; exotic Chern supermetal possible in which a non-Fermi liquid phase with an anomalous quantum Hall response realized.

#arxiv_2303_12833 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Peng et. al. Authors perform large-scale DMRG studies of the lightly doped Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice on long 3 & 4-leg cylinders. Light doping reveals superconducting state w/coexisting quasi-long range SC & charge density wave orders.

#arxiv_2303_12348 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Rüegg et. al. Authors formulate a Chern-Simons (CS) theory of the coupled composite electron liquid (CEL) and composite hole liquid (CHL). Effective action of the CS gauge field fluctuations around the saddle-point leads to stable pairing between CEL and CHL.

#arxiv_2303_10212 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Markiewicz et. al. Authors look at a possible correlation btw higher-order Van Hove singularities (hoVHS) & high-Tc superconductivity. Cuprates are found to lie in parameter regime where the amplitude of the hoVHS is not too large.

#arxiv_2303_06520 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Tai & Claassen. Authors shows that irradiation with light permits a new quantum-geometric tool to understand and probe quantum materials; namely, light may be used to directly deform the
material’s Wannier orbitals that comprise the states near the Fermi energy. Non-equilibrium control of Moire heterostructures demonstrated; THz radiation may conspire to yield fragile topological obstruction to alter material's interactions.

#arxiv_2303_01597 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Jiang et. al. Authors utilize the DMRG-computed natural orbital bands to downfold the three-band Hubbard model to an effective single-band model. Captures the doping-asymmetric carrier mobility, as well as enhancing the pairing
in a single-band model for the hole-doped cuprates.

#arxiv_2303_00756 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Liao et. al. Authors develop an incremental algorithm to compute the entanglement entropy at a fermionic deconfined quantum critical point with exceptional accuracy; reveals that the universal coefficient of the logarithmic correction is negative, which does not agree with the positivity requirement of the conformal field theory.

#arxiv_2302_11742 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Mukherjee et. al. Authors perform a sequence of RG transformations on a system of 2D non-interacting Dirac fermions placed on a torus. Emergence of additional spatial dimension observed which arises out of the scaling of multipartite entanglement. For a strong transverse magnetic field, Luttinger's theorem breaks down. Relation found between the topological invariants of the metallic and the quantum Hall systems.

#arxiv_2302_10590 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Shankar et. al. Authors consider the four-point function of a SYK-type model numerically and find that the Lyapunov exponent is maximal for a range of ratios of A and B-type Majorana fermions centered around equal population at strong coupling.

#arxiv_2302_08876 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Han et. al. Authors study the effect of electron-electron interactions on the non-Hermitian Kondo problem in a Luttinger liquid. Perturbative renormalization group analysis to two-loop order illustrates that the interplay between non-Hermitian Kondo couplings and electron-electron interactions may produce a pair of complex fixed points.

#arxiv_2302_07883 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Laumann & Moessner. Authors show that in quantum spin ice, the emergent magnetic charges of Maxwell electromagnetism carry native electric charge of the topological phase. A thermal gas of emergent magnetic charges are predicted to make an activated contribution to the optical conductivity at low temperatures.

#arxiv_2302_06635 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's : by Aksoy et. al. Authors ask whether it is possible to obtain single odd higher-order singularities in the dispersion of an electronic system. Types of instabilities that can occur for isolated singularities could potentially lead to non-Fermi liquid behavior; such odd singularities occur once time-reversal symmetry is broken. Shown in Haldane model example with staggered chemical potential.

#arxiv_2302_04877 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago

Today's :, by Murciano et. al. Authors study the impact of measurement on an Ising quantum critical chain utilizing correlated ancilla which are entangled with the critical chain and then projectively measured. Measurements can qualitatively alter long-distance correlation. Possible experimental realization in Rydberg arrays.

#arxiv_2302_04325 #StrEl #condmat #arXivsummary

Last updated 2 years ago