Maremma cliffhanger! #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorld #Egemonia
#startrek #StrangeNewWorld #egemonia
I love this review of #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorld's #SubspaceRhapsody
#startrek #StrangeNewWorld #subspacerhapsody
Omg loving and I mean LOVING the newest episode of #StrangeNewWorld even the intro was awesome. #TrekkieForever #MusicIsAlive #SpockSings
#StrangeNewWorld #trekkieforever #musicisalive #spocksings
Was für eine geniale Folge über die Ideale der Sternenflotte. #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorld ist mit Abstand mein Favorit vor allen anderen Serien, ohne diese jetzt ins schlechte Licht stellen zu wollen. Jede Serie hat ihre eigenen Qualitäten. Freue mich auf nächste Woche 🥰
#AllStarTrek ...and that's how the rock people conquered the crew of the Enterprise!
Stuck 'em all in a cave plugged into a shared hallucination/simulation that made them think they were "Saving the world from the Cindy!" Very sad story.
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #StrangeNewWorld
#StrangeNewWorld #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek "You'd have better luck making friends with a housefly."
Least it's got some punchy dialog.
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #StrangeNewWorld
#StrangeNewWorld #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek No probes before landing on the planet? THAT'S supposed to be overly cautious?🙄 Again, I can see why I didn't like this show when it first aired.
It's almost like it's written by adults who didn't have the patience to study science.😖
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #StrangeNewWorld
#StrangeNewWorld #startrekenterprise #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek What an ending! Charlie's anguished, Rand is crying, I'm like on the verge of tears.😥
Weirdly it feels like a direct response to #StrangeNewWorld's #TheElysiumKingdom where Dr. M'Benga's daughter left to live with a nebula entity, gaining reality shaping power, which to me did not seem like a plausibly happy ending.😳
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #CharlieX
#charliex #startrektos #startrek #theelysiumkingdom #StrangeNewWorld #AllStarTrek
Uiiiiiiii #StarTrek Release Daten 🤤
#StrangeNewWorld geht am 15. Juni weiter und #LowerDecks im späten Sommer!
Ich hoffe nur das wir nicht warten müssen. Blicke da bei #ParamountPlus noch nicht richtig durch. Bisher sind sie selten aktuell.
#startrek #StrangeNewWorld #lowerdecks #paramountplus
What Does 'The Waffle House Has Found Its New Host' Even Mean? The Out of Touch #Adults' Guide to #KidCulture
#StrangeNewWorld #Youth #GenZ #Parenting #NoClue
#adults #kidculture #StrangeNewWorld #youth #genz #parenting #noclue
An obligation to disclose APIs (and source code after service-shutdown) would also make sense for other applications than games.
I would even go so far as to say that APIs to end users must always be disclosed. Control can still take place via access rights.
Imagine if appliance power plugs depended on the power provider: Coffee machines would come in 'umpteen different plugs, depending on the electricity provider. Crazy! But normal for IT...
Just going to say it, Captain Pike is the perfect amount of of Captain Kirk and Captain Picard. Little bit of diplomacy but not afraid to kick butt. #startrek #StrangeNewWorld
The writers of #StarTrekProdigy made a *major* screw-up making Dal ineligible for Starfleet based on his origin as a genetic experiment.
It happens to coincide with #StrangeNewWorld 's Number One cliffhanger. There Starfleet's prejudice against genetically enhanced individuals is purposely given a racial connotation ("Mixing human and Ilyrian blood is forbidden", etc.)
1/2 #StarTrek
#startrek #StrangeNewWorld #StarTrekProdigy
Devo dire che questa prima serie di #StrangeNewWorld mi è piaciuta molto di più della IV serie di #Discovery, tuttavia faccio fatica a inserirla nella timeline sia quella canonica che quella nuova con Chris Pine.
Mi spiego: la nuova diverge dalla classica