I finally started watching #StrangerThings4 and it pulled me right back in. A shame the eps are too long for me to binge or watch on weeknights.
Watching it also reminds me how lucky we were back then to not have the internet so the whole #DnD satanic scare stuff didn't really happen here. Not sure my parents would have been too happy about my new hobby and friends if it had.
"I actually behave like a child going trick or treating during Halloween when I watch #StrangerThings - something about the familiar music and 80s references makes me giddy with excitement"
I explain why I loved #StrangerThings4 in our @NationalWorld Roundup for the year in TV!
#StrangerThings4 #strangerthings
These Stranger Things crossovers are getting out of hand. @mybirdbuddy@twitter.com #birdbuddy #StrangerThings4
Gucken gerade #BIG.
so: Elizabeth Perkins erinnert mich an jemanden... 🤯 #StrangerThings4 #milliebobbybrown #ElizabethPerkins
#big #StrangerThings4 #milliebobbybrown #elizabethperkins #film #filmtwitter #FilmToot #movies #cinema #filmbubble
Lo que hace #StrangerThings4
RT @marlipissani
Bin bei #StrangerThings4 bei Folge 6, gibt’s jemanden, der/die NOCH LANGSAMER ist als ich?
Como no vas a querer a este hombre?
RT @GonGonHE@twitter.com
Joseph Quinn (AKA Eddie de #StrangerThings4) emocionándose en la Showmasters Comic Con 🥺 cuando una fan le agradece el tiempo que les ha dedicado a pesar del mal trato que parece que recibió el actor por parte de la organización por excederse en su trato y tiempo con los fans.
Como no vas a querer a este hombre?
RT @GonGonHE@twitter.com
Joseph Quinn (AKA Eddie de #StrangerThings4) emocionándose en la Showmasters Comic Con 🥺 cuando una fan le agradece el tiempo que les ha dedicado a pesar del mal trato que parece que recibió el actor por parte de la organización por excederse en su trato y tiempo con los fans.
Today’s #3goodthings
One more day in the shop before eight days off (or eight days editing, but they’ll be at home)
Sharing ‘books wot I love’ moments with staff and customers alike
Last episode of #StrangerThings4 when I get home!
Today’s #3goodthings
One more day in the shop before eight days off (or eight days editing, but they’ll be at home)
Sharing ‘books wot I love’ moments with staff and customers alike
Last episode of #StrangerThings4 when I get home!
#StrangerThings4 hat uns die Walkmanjahre zurückebracht. Was lief 1986 auf eurem #Walkman außer Kate Bush?
Bei mir waren es vor allem diese drei Alben -> Soft Cell: Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret; The Smiths: The Queen Is Dead; The Sisters Of Mercy: First and Last and Always.
Das Finale von #StrangerThings4 war fulminant, Ideenreich, herzzerreißend, düster, zu viel von allem und hat mir gerade deswegen wirklich total gefallen. Mit Sorge schaue ich aber auf die geplante 5. Staffel. Ein offenes Ende wäre viel besser gewesen, die Duffer-Brüder können das eigentlich nur versauen. Ich möchte zum Beispiel nicht wissen, welche Paare zusammen bleiben. Ich möchte erst recht nicht wissen, woher Vecna und Eleven ihre Superkräfte haben. @filmeundserien
No he visto un solo capítulo de esta serie, pero viendo este extracto, ya me doy cuenta de que no es para mi.
RT @QRPoficial
'Master Of Puppets', de Metallica, una de las grandes canciones de la historia y su icónico momento sonando en la nueva temporada de la aclamada serie de Netflix 'Stranger Things' #Metallica #StrangerThings4 #MasterOfPuppets #StrangerThings
#metallica #StrangerThings4 #masterofpuppets #strangerthings
Anoche, viendo el último episodio de #StrangerThings4:
@Peekaboonito@twitter.com: 😑
Yo: 😐
it's a good thing i don't get upset over spoilers, otherwise i'd have been flipping tables since last night. lol. 😅 i do feel bad for the people who can't/won't watch things right away, though-- even netflix themselves aren't waiting the weekend. #StrangerThings4
it's a good thing i don't get upset over spoilers, otherwise i'd have been flipping tables since last night. lol. 😅 i do feel bad for the people who can't/won't watch things right away, though-- even netflix themselves aren't waiting the weekend. #StrangerThings4
RT @pape_lapapp
If you have kids and you enjoy #StrangerThings4 please take a moment to consider this:
- #Strangerthings is a Climate Story
- it actually helps to grasp the situation we are in
- and it has to do with YOU
SPOILERS for the first 7 episodes of season 4
#StrangerThings4 #strangerthings