"I'm the least romantic guy": Dragon Age's David Gaider on romanceable companions and his cancelled Planescape sequel - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/david-gaider-interview-romanceable-companions-and-his-cancelled-planescape-sequel #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #Baldur'sGateII:ShadowsofAmn #Strategy:Turn-BasedStrategy #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #DragonAge:Inquisition #JAMDATMobileHawaii #Birdview/Isometric #Planescape:Torment #NeverwinterNights #DragonAge:Origins #Atari
#atari #neverwinternights #Planescape #birdview #jamdatmobilehawaii #dragonage #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #strategy #baldur #StrayGods
#8 (2023-08-24) #StrayGods
A nasty save-deleting bug on release day aside, this little game was an excellent, focused experience from start to finish.
Most every character is really likeable, which of course meant I ended up flirting wildly with both Freddie and Persephone before finally making up my mind on whom to pursue.
With 8.8 hours played so far, I'll revisit it soon for sure! I've more songs to sing and another girl to kiss, at the very least!
#StrayGods #straygodstheroleplayingmusical
Jeez. Just found out that the devs have fixed the save-deletion issue with #StrayGods, but now it's been a couple of days and... I don't even want to restore my backed up save anymore.
Guess I'll just start over (not that I got very far to begin with) as soon as I'm done with my #QuakeII 64 playthrough.
Unless I feel like bouncing back and forth between the two for variety. That could be an option. I just don't want to get back on the #ADHD distraction train, though.
August is the month where everyone should rest and take a breath.
So, in between #BaldursGate3 sessions or #Starfield , I would recommend to breathe playing :
#Venba by @venbagame
#EnGarde by @fireplacegames
and #StrayGods by @summerfallgames
#baldursgate3 #starfield #Venba #engarde #StrayGods
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical review: a melodic adventure with something to sing about - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/stray-gods-the-roleplaying-musical-review #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #VisualNovel&Dating; #SummerfallStudios #ActionAdventure #HumbleGames #WotIThink #StoryRich #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #StoryRich #wotithink #HumbleGames #ActionAdventure #SummerfallStudios #visualnovel #StrayGods
Dragon Age writer's musical RPG Stray Gods delayed to avoid Baldur's Gate 3's release - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/dragon-age-writers-musical-rpg-stray-gods-delayed-to-avoid-baldurs-gate-3s-release #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #SummerfallStudios #ActionAdventure #DavidGaider #HumbleGames #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #HumbleGames #DavidGaider #ActionAdventure #SummerfallStudios #StrayGods
Everything that happened at the Humble Games Showcase 2023 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/everything-that-happened-at-the-humble-games-showcase-2023 #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #Supraland:SixInchesUnder #Bō:PathoftheTealLotus #BreezeInTheClouds #Strategy:Builder #ActionAdventure #WizardOfLegend2 #Metroidvania #Indiescovery #HumbleGames #Exploration #Historical #Platformer #Management #Cataclismo #LostSkies #OpenWorld #Roguelike #Fighting #Fantasy #Sandbox #RPG
#rpg #sandbox #fantasy #fighting #roguelike #openworld #lostskies #cataclismo #management #platformer #Historical #exploration #HumbleGames #Indiescovery #metroidvania #wizardoflegend2 #ActionAdventure #breezeintheclouds #bo #supraland #strategy #StrayGods
Stray Gods is a game that's been on my radar for years and I finally got to play the demo tonight on stream
#StrayGods #QueerGamesHeckYeah #LudoNarraCon #Steam
#StrayGods #queergamesheckyeah #ludonarracon #steam
Dragon Age writer’s musical RPG Stray Gods has an August release date - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/dragon-age-writers-musical-rpg-stray-gods-has-an-august-release-date #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #VisualNovel&Dating; #DavidGaider #HumbleGames #StoryRich
#StoryRich #HumbleGames #DavidGaider #visualnovel #StrayGods
@esdin Its becoming more and more clear to me that #criticalrole NEEDS to get established over here in the Fediverse. So many creative type fans who've also thankfully abandoned birdsite would be much more their audience. And with them helping tomstream this #StrayGods event,mit would be great to hear directly from them why the stream is running 20 minutes late. Anyone know if Humble Bundle or SummerFall Games are set up here either?
Just a few minutes away from "An Evening With STRAY GODS, the Roleplaying Musical" over on twitch.tv/CriticalRole
Everything that happened at the Humble Games Showcase 2022 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/everything-that-happened-at-the-humble-games-showcase-2022 #StrayGods:ARoleplayingMusical #ChinatownDetectiveAgency #InfiniteGuitars #Indiescovery #TheIronOath #CoralIsland #HumbleGames #GhostSong #Moonscars #MonacoII #Signalis #Indie
#StrayGods #ChinatownDetectiveAgency #InfiniteGuitars #Indiescovery #TheIronOath #CoralIsland #HumbleGames #GhostSong #Moonscars #MonacoII #Signalis #indie