People living in well to do place, usually lack a lot in street smarts and things that street smarts think is a common sense, but is just a awareness of the environment. #streetsmarts #commonsense
That's what my bike purchase was: #investment
Learn #cycling and the #StreetSmarts to safely and securely do #bike #commute; enjoy it as a leisure/social activity.
When the #covid19 started* and everything shut down including #PublicTransport, guess who WITHOUT CARS were able to get around and travel long distance? #Bikers #cyclists ☝️
(Though I can't imagine getting myself home on a bike with just 1 good arm. Hence a #FoldableBike. I can call my bro or hire a car to get home.)
#investment #cycling #StreetSmarts #bike #commute #covid19 #PublicTransport #Bikers #cyclists #FoldableBike