Oh, I almost forgot, I have sound of the Striated Pardalote calling.
#sound #StriatedPardalote #AustralianWildlife #wildoz
And yes, there were more birds!
An #OliveBackedOriole , some #StriatedPardalote 's, a #WillyWagtail and #BrownThornbill
#OliveBackedOriole #StriatedPardalote #WillyWagtail #BrownThornbill #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #bird
Look who was pipping loudly on my clothesline this morning. A Striated Pardalote.
These guys make a loud "cheep .... cheep cheep" call so are easily identified, but not always easy to spot (the call itself being one of those that is difficult to locate, and they're very small).
#StriatedPardalote #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird